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Personal Log: The Captive in the Dark

Posted on Fri 21st Apr, 2017 @ 4:34am by Lieutenant Commander Lanis Dhuro MD
Edited on Wed 26th Apr, 2017 @ 2:49am

281 words; about a 1 minute read

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Someone on Vanguard kept a Starfleet officer confined to a surgical table, absolutely alone, fitted with Borg-like implants, with his brain connected to a computer such that his biological brain gradually failed to function--for over a decade, judging by the date of his disappearance.

How that is even possible escapes me. I don't know how the man lived for this long. The Rouens SCLS surgery tables were brilliant, but they were never designed to keep someone alive on them for more than a few hours--just the length of a typical surgery and post-op period before the patient would be returned to a normal biobed.

I'm taking that thing apart tomorrow. Part of me is enraged that a model of tool I loved using, something that was a real joy to work on, that allowed me to help many people, was perverted to such a demented purpose. What kind of monster does that to a person, much less a surgery table?

In other news...

I am now the owner of a pot of dawnjoy flowers, Irel's favorite. I ordered a pot because I knew the bouquet I bought would wither soon, and I wanted something more permanent. I wish she were here to talk to; I'd rather talk to Irel about all of this than dictate it into a diary. She had a way of sorting things out so they made sense. But I'm not the sort to indulge in holographic simulacra, and I couldn't discuss any of this with Irel, even if she were here in the flesh.

I guess I'll head to bed now. End log.

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