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Posted on Wed 1st Mar, 2017 @ 11:28pm by Commander Zachary Hunt

322 words; about a 2 minute read

Just a few issues I thought I would speak about. Drake seems to be getting even more tetchy lately and I'm not quite sure why. My recent promotion is probably not all that it seems and he is probably playing me in some way. It wouldn't surprise me that he knows I'm here because Starfleet want to report everything that is happening with him. Unfortunately if he knows or even suspects that, he is either going to try and trap me or shut me out. I'm not quite sure what to do about the situation. I might visit Paul Graves. I have struck up recently a good friendship with him, so as he is the counselor on board, it should make things easier to talk about to him. Maybe he would give me some advice.

Also, the arrival of Graham Winchester as well is on my mind. I like the bloke and have much respect for him. However, already I can notice how close he is to Drake. Do I worry about this? Or worry that he's on Drake's 'side' and will try and play me also? I will keep my mind and ears open and take caution on how to approach the coming months.

Lastly, I've had the pleasure of meeting the CEO of Disney Interstellar. She is quite beautiful and I have arranged dinner plans with her. It was for my own personal gain so she could speak to Sianna Dal about a meeting with the two parties we are hosting, but ahh well, sometimes in life you have got to play a little. Hopefully I get to find a bit more about her, we've arranged dinner at a place called 'Ristorante Zeus'. I've never been there, but she seemed determined to get me to go. Anyway, I best be getting ready for that. Then I've got a long week coming up, everyone seems quite anxious about the coming visit...


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