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USS Renown

Posted on Thu 25th Oct, 2012 @ 12:41pm by

168 words; about a 1 minute read

Command Chief's Log - Stardate 52784.3

We are now en route to the last known position of the USS Bretagne. It was impossible to pinpoint the exact location of the distress call as the radiation from the expanse is wreaking havoc with our sensors.

Some of the crew have concerns about the readiness of the vessel - this is not the time to be reassuring them. We haven't got time for that. Only one thing is important and that is finding Colonel Drake, Lieutenant Graves and Crewman Meadows. I just hope we're not too late.

Despite being completely focused on the mission at hand, I still can't help but wonder what could have possibly gone wrong. Even if the Bretagne became unsafe and inhospitable, why would they not get back on the Runabout? Had they been attacked? Had there been some sort of horrific accident that had crippled or destroyed the Runabout?

Either way it's going to do no good speculating... it's just hard not to at the moment.


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