View Award - Teamwork Award

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Teamwork Award

Awarded to a crew member who shows considerable talent in working with other crew members to create a winning plot line worthy of the vessel's reputation.

Category: In character
Awarded: 3 times

Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena
Wed 11th Dec, 2019 @ 11:47pm
Charlene has played whatever assignment has come her way with humor and expertise. Whether she's called to be an ambassador on a pirate chase, a cat-herder, a love-interest, or an organizer, she has done it ably and well. Definitely a team player!

Mon 4th Dec, 2017 @ 9:13pm
Jenny is wonderful at creating posts that involve a lot of people. We are currently working on several extensive posts that detail what happens during a Halloween party and seance at the Addams home. The posts are quite a lot of fun.
Commander Zachary Hunt
Sun 14th May, 2017 @ 3:41pm
James has shown a lot of talent this month working with a number of different players (new and old) to not only push things along with the main mission but also develop very believable and very interesting sub-plot lines.