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June Fleet Awards

Posted on Wed 11th Jul, 2018 @ 6:43pm by

Hey, gang!

It's Theta Fleet awards time again! In June, we slipped from Unit of Distinction: Gold Award to Silver Award, but the folks who took Gold from us worked their butts off -- USS Hera had 112 posts total and 10.18 posts per user; we had 99 / 7.62. So now we know where the goal post is!

James received Theta Fleet Player of the month with the following citation: Eddie Hunt / James came back to SB109 after months of absence, and dove in to writing with a vengeance. I think he is working on a JP with every other member of the crew.

And, because June ended a quarter-year, we also received a quarterly award:
CO of the Quarter: SB109: Suzuki Hikari
When the CO left the sim, three of the crew decided to step up to the plate and keep it going. I have only listed the official CO, but I want to recognize all three ladies, who work as a team to make this sim so successful. They are amazing. (Jenny's note: Most of the amazing comes from Susan and Chantal).

Local awards:
Post count 50: Brandon
Post count 50: Iain
Post count 150: Jenny
Air Medal: LCOL Brooklyn Wellington / Allison
Purple Heart: LCOL Brooklyn Wellington / Allison
Funny Bone: Khellian s'Siedhri, MD / Ruth
Mission Development: Eddie Hunt / James

And, the two nominations I submitted, but which didn't get picked up higher-up:

Writer of the Month Nomination and reason: LCOL Brooklyn Wellington / Allison for her Shark Hunting story arc, which was exciting and fun to read.

Post of the Month Nomination (and URL): Animated Inquiry ( ) A Romulan inquires after the designation "Disneyland."

Thanks to all who have worked so hard to make Starbase 109 such an outstanding and extraordinary place to write! Let's do it all again, shall we?


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Comments (1)

by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Wed 11th Jul, 2018 @ 7:51pm

Congratulations, all of you! There were some really exciting and interesting posts this month that I deeply enjoyed reading. Looking forward to seeing more!
