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Sim Awards

Posted on Sat 16th Jun, 2018 @ 7:26pm by

Hello to all the hard-working crew members of Starbase 109! Your efforts do not go unnoticed as we work each month. I've just put all the April and May Gold Unit of Distinction Awards on the Award pages of players. In addition, I was looking at longevity and post counts. Several people now have the 12 or 18 consecutive months awards on their pages, and several more are close to the next stage.

Longevity can be achieved simply by keeping your head down and posting two to three times a month, but post count is something else. Post count is a combination of post and personal log totals. Of course, you can achieve it with those same two or three posts per month, over time, but most of us go well beyond that. I thought I'd post those who are close to the next level, in case they want to push toward that goal.

James reached his 100 posts on June 12. No surprise, if you've noticed the myriad of posts Eddie Hunt has been doing!

Lily is at 95 posts today, only 5 short of the 100 posts award!
Iain, since he came in November, has made 48 posts! 2 more to the 50 posts award.
Jenny has 148 posts and personal logs, so only 2 away from the 150 mark!

Brandon ties Iain with 48 posts, just 2 more to hit the 50 mark!
Allison surpassed 50 and now has 63 posts and personal log entries.
Joseph has 40 posts, needing only 10 more to hit his 50 mark.

Christina has turned in 34 posts in her 9+ months.
Chris has 22 in his 8 months.
John has 13 in 3 months,
Ruth has 8 in about 2 months.

I've played on many sims which haven't gone through the upheavals that SB109 has, and they didn't last. They didn't have the commitment from their characters that all of you give. I'm amazed when I look at both the longevity and the post counts for all of you. The stats don't keep track of how many posts are large groups, small groups or single characters, but I know we'd be high in all areas.

Thanks so much for all you write, the ideas you keep pouring out, the creativity you demonstrate, and the quality of your writing. In the last 21 months of the new iteration of SB109, we've accomplished a lot! Current year Theta awards are on our main page. If you click the Awards in the sidebar on that main page, you will see the awards for 2016 and 2017. It's true that awards don't tell the whole story, but if you look at the awards, it's obvious something good is going on here on our sim. Keep up the great work!

Susan, aka Jade Lantz


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