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April '18 Awards

Posted on Fri 18th May, 2018 @ 5:42am by

Howdy, fellow writers!

Theta Fleet has (finally) released the April awards, and Starbase 109 won two very big ones: Area 51's Gold Unit of Distinction, and the Task Group 51-2 TGCO's Award of Merit.

I've realized that y'all don't ever see the award recommendations the guidance group puts in our end-of-month reports to Theta Fleet unless Theta Fleet picks them up and runs with them, so from now out, I'm going to be sharing what we've submitted.

Writer of the Month Nomination and reason:
Iain / Mikaela Locke, for the wonderful and truly character-affecting "Should I Stay or Should I Go" post arc.

Player of the Month Nomination and reason:
Christina / Alora Baro & Chris / Anjohl Gaden. They took a casual conversation during last month's wedding scene and spun it off into a whole series of posts.

Post of the Month Nomination (and URL):
A Quiet Moment ( ).

Two battle-traumatized friends at the pool, sharing a moment of honesty and caring.

Also awarded during April:
Iain / Mikaela Locke: Character Development Ribbon
Raymond / Ranulf MacBain: Distinguished Newcomer Award
Raymond / Ranulf MacBain: Pain in the Captain's Butt Award
Allison / Brooklyn Wellington: Longevity Star
Allison / Brooklyn Wellington: 50 Post recognition
Chantal / Paul Graves: Non-Player Character Ribbon
Jenny / Chlamydia Addams: Non-Player Character Ribbon
Jenny / Suzuki Hikari: Friendship Ribbon
Susan / Riko McCord: Friendship Ribbon

As always, thanks to everyone for your hard work and wonderful writing. It's your participation that makes this hobby worth doing.


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