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Vanguard Unity Week Events

Posted on Wed 24th May, 2017 @ 11:45pm by

In case you didn't see all the events in the mission summary, here are the planned events for the 5 days of Unity Week. We want to recognize different cultures, trade unions, arts, etc., but the name of the game is unity - what ties us together, not what divides us. Here is the schedule. Feel free to post within these venues, or mention them in passing, or to find little side avenues or shops in the Promenade where the week is being celebrated.

I believe the concert and some of the tetraball finals will be quite well attended. I understand LTC Jekkar will have extra officers on hand to keep things from getting out of hand, so try not to wind up in the brig!

Day 1:
Parade and Opening Ceremonies
Opening of Cultural Exhibits

Day 2:
Continuing Cultural Exhibits
Opening of Art Exhibits
Ingress Event*

Day 3:
Dance Exhibition
Final Day of Cultural Exhibits
Continuing Art Exhibits
Ongoing Ingress Event
Opening Film Exhibition
First Day of Tetraball Playoffs

Day 4:
Final Day of Art Exhibits
Food Sampling in Promenade
Concluding Ingress Event
Second Day of Tetraball Playoffs
Continuing Film Exhibition with Holographic works
Religious Exhibits

Day 5
Career Day Exhibits and Job Fair
Final Playoff Round for Tetraball
pick-up Rugby Game
Closing Ceremonies


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