
Character Deactivation

Posted on Fri 6th Sep, 2024 @ 5:40pm by Captain Gordon Francis

Hello crew!

This has been a long time coming, and at this point I don't think should come as a surprise. So I'll be brief.

There are several players/characters that have not logged on for months, some even over a year. We've all had a lot of emotional moments in the last year or so, and I can understand if people have needed time. However, I believe it is time to move on, and to move on means I need to know who are still interested and who are leaving.

I'm giving everyone until Friday, September 13th to respond via private message, or on the OOC Thread. If you have not responded by then, we will deactivate your character(s). To preserve the sim in its entirety, NO CHARACTERS ARE BEING DELETED. All posts will still be here, but your position(s) will be listed as open for new recruits.

I sincerely hope everyone comes back. It has been a great honor writing with all of you, and I'm looking forward to moving ahead into the next exciting phase of Starbase 109!


CF/Captain Gordon Francis
Commanding Officer, Starbase 109



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