October Sim Awards
Posted on Sun 13th Nov, 2022 @ 9:48am by
Hello, Fellow Writers!
I have great news tonight. We won! What did we win? Several things. Here's the list, and congratulations to all of you for making these awards possible.
First, we tied for Silver Unit of Distinction in Area 51: Starbase 109 and USS Europa. Congratulations to both ships for a lot of hard writing, and to the Gold Units who also tied: USS Tokyo and USS Myogi. In fact, the Bronze Units tied, too: USS Standing Bear and USS Wolff and Starbase 400.
Next, Iain won Post of the Month for Area 51: SB109: "Chess" (https://sb109.sim-station.net/index.php/sim/viewpost/2061) Iain's returned to us with this post, and it's a good one!
Finally, the TGCO award for Area 51-A, Gargoyle, is Starbase 109.
Those who were nominated for Theta Fleet awards will also win the SB109 similar award. In addition, I'll be, or already have, putting several other awards in the playing characters files. I have cleaned out the files of older awards, leaving only ONE for each award, the latest one. I will continue to do this to keep things from getting too complicated. Milestone and Post number awards are also being put in PC files.
We now have no players who have been with us for less than a year, and a few who've been writing on the various incarnations of Protector and SB109 for over ten years. Only the two newest of our crew have written fewer than 100 posts, and some of the NPCs have almost as many. What a crew! Keep up the good work, and let's see if we can win the Gold UOD for November!
The Command Team
Category: General News