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June 2022 Sim Report for May Activity

Posted on Mon 6th Jun, 2022 @ 5:02am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

Theta Fleet Sim Report for May 2022 Activity
Date of submission: June 5, 2022

Sim name: Starbase 109
URL for website:
Name of commanding officer: Suzuki Hikari (Commodore Suzuki)
Task Group: 51-B

Number of members at beginning of month (May): 15 (Should be 13.)
Number of members at end of month: 15 (Should be 14.)
(A note on number of members: My count has been off by two. We had two members who left a few months back, but we had kept them on the roster because they’re really good players, and we liked them. So our true total number of active members has been 13, but our statistics page has been showing 15 all this time. One of those two members (CF, aka Qaraq and Criswell Sandbags) has rejoined the sim, so our true number of players is now 14.)
Names of characters/players departed during month: 0
Names of characters/players added during month: 1

Title of current mission: The Hunted
Description of current mission: Come hell or high water, we will take down Dobbs at some point during this mission—or at least start the process. Wish us luck. Meanwhile, the diplomats on Helios III are hunting down a saboteur and possible would-be murderer. Two affianced couples are hunting down wedding dates. The crew of the Antero are looking for a safe haven, and the crew of the Nomad are looking forward to their first mission. Other residents of the station are trying to escape being forced to perform gladiatorial combat. New resident Qaraq is hunting down a place on the rough side of town to build a bar/casino.

Number of posts (as shown on the stats page in Nova): 35
Post per player (user) average (as shown on the stats page in Nova): 2.33

Noteworthy changes/events on your sim during the preceding month: The command team members have reassembled and are all writing again, according to their time and ability, health and school permitting. Milestones are being met and recognized.

Noteworthy Milestones this Month: Three years with the sim for Mike (Dallas Briggs) and 10 years for Chantal (Paul Graves).

Problems (if any) that the command staff should be aware of: At the moment, the command team is back up and running, to varying degrees. All three of us are writing again.

Post of the Month nomination and reason: Stars, Like Flashlights, Part 2, and Part 3. To be considered as one post. The unflinchingness of facing the flinch-worthy is truly impressive. Chantal has been writing like crazy to keep things going.

Player of the Month nomination and reason: CF, who has started several joint posts with different people and is setting events in motion for future plot progress in Brown Sector.

Writer of the Month nominations and reasons: Chantal for the “Stars, Like Flashlights” posts and Susan, who will probably protest me nominating her, but—We write so much more when she is able to be active. I’m not sure if this quality of hers has ever been recognized in the sim report before, but I want to recognize it now. She has a wonderful gift for getting people enthusiastic and active. We are all better writers and players with her here.

Other awards nominated for:
CF (as Qaraq and Criswell Sandbags): Character Development Ribbon

Respectfully submitted
By the SB-109 Command Team


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