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Timeline for 'A Good Day to Hunt'

Posted on Sat 14th May, 2022 @ 9:12am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

Hello, all--I've spent the evening creating links to posts in the timeline for 'A Good Day to Hunt.' For several of these I have not written plot synopses because that would have meant reading the posts, and reading them would have taken a lot of time. So all of you, please look over the mission timeline and add a plot synopsis to your posts if they need one.

I am not yet finished linking posts; I stopped at 'The Form of Art, Part 1.' If your post was published before 'The Form of Art Part 1,' please link it and add a plot synopsis. If it needs a time/date, please add that information.

Lastly, please check over the timeline in general, to make sure that everything of yours is in the proper order. It's after midnight, so I'm sure I'm not as accurate as I was earlier.

Folks, we have written a lot, this past mission, and it's been marvelous!



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