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Sim Report - January Activity

Posted on Mon 7th Feb, 2022 @ 9:47am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

Theta Fleet Sim Report for January 2022 Activity
Date of submission: February 6, 2021

Sim name: Starbase 109
URL for website:
Name of commanding officer: Suzuki Hikari (Commodore Suzuki)
Task Group: 51-B

Number of members at beginning of month (January): 15
Number of members at end of month: 15
Names of characters/players departed during month: None
Names of characters/players added during month: None

Title of current mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Description of current mission: Life proceeds as usual on Starbase 109. In nearby space, a freighter with four Exo-Comps aboard fights a deadly battle with some Klingons, and ambassadors try to reach a peace deal among three squabbling planetary leaders. On the starbase, romances abound. A marriage proposal is (finally!) made and accepted, while music hath charms to tempt the wary beast among another couple. Lt. Minelan figures out what is contaminating her water samples.

Number of posts (as shown on the stats page in Nova): 14 (13 mission posts plus one personal log).
Post per player (user) average (as shown on the stats page in Nova): 0.93

Noteworthy changes/events on your sim during the preceding month: Our sim was mostly inactive during December 2021. Despite this, we were stunned to be honored as Thetafleet Sim of the Year!

Noteworthy Milestones this Month: Mikaela Locke (Iain): Almost seven years tenure. Andrew Eberstark (Joe): Almost five years with SB-109!

Problems (if any) that the command staff should be aware of: Part of our command team will be undergoing surgery and is likely to be laid up for much of the spring. We are keeping her in our thoughts and prayers!

Post of the Month nomination and reason: Olive Branch by Joe (Andrew Eberstark). This post is nominated for reasons of character development. It explores a part of Eberstark’s life that I have rarely, if ever, seen Joe touch upon. I like learning new things about the characters.

Player of the Month nomination and reason: I hereby nominate the entire crew for Player of the Month. After a couple of months of low activity, we are shaking the dust off and moving ahead, back into regular writing and storytelling. Some players who aren’t on the command team are taking the lead in suggesting ideas for group posts, and we are proceeding with them. I appreciate the help!

Writer of the Month nomination and URL: To Ruth, who contributed to the most posts of any member of the sim this month who is not on the command team. The post is Sorting Samples, in which we learn what is contaminating the water samples introduced in previous posts in this story-arc.

Respectfully submitted
By the SB-109 Command Team


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