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Hello Again

Posted on Fri 29th Oct, 2021 @ 11:46pm by

Dear Crew,

I'm not going to apologize for being missing so much, because it's out of my control. Believe me, I'd be here writing if I could. I've been going through some hard side effects from radiation, and haven't even been out of bed most of the last 8 days. I hope I'm soon through this and able to finish my parts of JPs. If there's something you can finish or post where it is, please feel free to do that immediately, because I'm still not going to be active for a bit.

Thank you for your understanding. FYI, get your mammograms, colonoscopies, and whatever else cancer checks there are. No matter how uncomfortable they are, they are better than this, you have my word on that. If you have any questions or doubts or suspicions, check them out. Killing a stage 1 is a lot easier on you than killing a bigger tumor.

Susan, only with you in spirit and wishing for some Star Trek medicine.


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