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July 2021 Sim Report--Starbase 109

Posted on Tue 3rd Aug, 2021 @ 3:42am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD
Edited on Thu 12th Aug, 2021 @ 4:24am

Theta Fleet Sim Report for July 2021 Activity
Date of submission: August 2, 2021

Sim name: Starbase 109
URL for website:
Name of commanding officer: Suzuki Hikari (Commodore Suzuki)
Task Group: 51-B

Number of members at beginning of month: 16
Number of members at end of month: 16
Names of characters/players departed during month: None
Names of characters/players added during month: None

Title of current mission: Waging Peace
Description of current mission: Some staff are making lateral transfers. Some are being assigned to independent missions. Others are on diplomatic missions. Among the civilians, one has just arrived from Hirogen space and is hunting a Ferengi. Another is taking his mining ship out on surveying/mining runs. Another is continuing to investigate strange apparitions seen in Brown Sector. The Exo-Comps’ secret is discovered.

Number of posts (as shown on the stats page in Nova): 36, including one personal log.
Post per player (user) average (as shown on the stats page in Nova): 2.25

Noteworthy changes/events on your sim during the month: July has been a slightly more active month than June was. Isabella Perry's stealth ship is being readied for missions. The Exo-Comps and their human crew are approaching Starbase 109 with evidence of serious crimes. Voareth Darqaron stalks her prey. Damion Ildaran begins working for Starfleet Criminal Investigative services. Renato Solis solicits and gets help from some of the starbase’s senior staff in apprehending the man who is conducting dangerous transporter experiments in Brown Sector.

Noteworthy Milestones this Month: Austen (Renato Solis, Exo-Comps) has been with Starbase 109 for a year. Cherlene (Kiara Lena) has been with us for almost two years. We are so glad to have you both in our sim!
Author’s note—We have missed announcing some milestones. We will make efforts to announce milestones in future reports or at least in News.

Problems (if any) that the command staff should be aware of: The command team has been dealing with illness, medical treatment, and increased real-life workload. This has slowed the post count down. We anticipate the situation to continue through July, which it has. We’ll see what happens in August.

Post(s) of the Month nomination and reason: Austen, Mike, and Susan for this pair of posts, which continue a story arc. I particularly liked the Trill first officer of the Klingon ship in these posts. He is interesting: (Mad Dogs):
(…And Klingons):

Player of the Month nomination and reason: Brad, for writing the most posts this month among people who are not on the command team. Not only did Brad write seven posts, he wrote them with several different players and has plans for writing more posts with different players in August.

Writer of the Month nomination and URL: Austen, for writing Anslo Tol. The personalities, the internecine politicking, the power plays. Just—Yeah!

Respectfully submitted
By the SB-109 Command Team


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