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May 2021 Fleet Report

Posted on Sat 5th Jun, 2021 @ 8:24am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

Theta Fleet Sim Report for May 2021 Activity
Date of submission: June 5, 2021

Sim name: Starbase 109
URL for website:
Name of commanding officer: Suzuki Hikari (Commodore Suzuki)
Task Group: 51-B

Number of members at beginning of month: 15
Number of members at end of month: 16
Names of characters/players departed during month: 0
Names of characters/players added during month: Brad Linton (Voareth Darqaron)

Title of current mission: Waging Peace
Description of current mission: Some staff are making lateral transfers. Some are being assigned to independent missions. Others are on diplomatic missions. The Orion Syndicate is increasingly active. Among the civilians, one is recruiting crew for his mining ship. Another is continuing to investigate strange apparitions seen in Brown Sector. Business deals and side deals are happening apace. The Exo-Comps’ secret is discovered. A group of friends who have been gamers for years move to SB-109 for their retirement. Why?

Number of posts (as shown on the stats page in Nova): 45, including 3 personal logs
Post per player (user) average (as shown on the stats page in Nova): 2.81

Noteworthy changes/events on your sim during the month: New El Aurian character. The Durant Repair Services shop/Intelligence Department surveillance site has closed. Lt. Damion Ildaran has been recruited as an intelligence liaison officer for the Starfleet Criminal Investigative Service. Commander Locke returns from vacation.

Problems (if any) that the command staff should be aware of: One member of our command team will be undergoing medical treatment throughout the summer but anticipates still participating in the sim. The other two of us will take care of the heavier lifting.

Writer of the Month nomination and reason: Heis'he - Nominating Ruth for the exquisite attention to detail that she gives Romulan culture in all of her posts involving it. Some of it is canon; some of it is her original work, and it all fits seamlessly together.

Player of the Month nomination and reason: Mike and Lily. Lily, for participating in (I think) three different storylines as four different characters—Adam Keller, Meghan Jericho, Sam Barbee, and Maeve McClery. Mike, for participating as Commander Zed, Elliot Jericho, Damon Tavor, and Jason Harrington in four storylines.

Post of the Month nomination and URL: Voar the Hirogen Huntress - Our newest player, Brad, jumped right in by introducing his character, Voareth. She is delightfully not the usual.

Respectully submitted,

The SB-109 Command Team


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