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April Awards

Posted on Wed 19th May, 2021 @ 1:10pm by
Edited on Wed 19th May, 2021 @ 1:12pm

Dear Crew,

I'm sorry to post these so late, but I've been having medical issues. On the mend now.

First, we finally won Gold again on Unit of Distinction! I don't mind lower levels of of distinction, but it is nice to have accomplished the top level again! Let's try to repeat that for May awards. We have a good start already!

Next, our very own is player of the month for the fleet! Brandon/Henry Perry/Isabella Perry. Brandon came up with an entirely new story line which promises adventure and excitement with an all-female crew of an intelligence mission ship. He’s posted with creative titles and wonderful ideas!

Finally, the task force CO's award.

Job well done from the whole crew!

The Command Team


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