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Posted on Tue 4th May, 2021 @ 12:12am by

Now Hear This!

Okay, hopefully, I have your attention. =)

We are making some changes in how JP are dated, and how they are recorded on the Mission Timeline. I could tell you all right here, but I'm going to direct you to the Mission Timeline Post which I just put out. It has examples for how it's to be done.

We write a lot of posts and expecting Chantal to keep track of everything is nonsense. We are adults and will keep track of our own posts, as outlined in the instructions on the JP. If, for some reason, you don't have a Mission Timeline post listed in your posts, let me know, and I'll take care of that.

This is an expectation for every one of our 15 writers. When there were only 6-8 of us, things were different, but at 15, we have to grow up a little and do more for ourselves! I'm as guilty as anyone of letting Chantal take the load, and she's done an outstanding job. However, for every hour she spends on the mission timeline, she isn't writing with us!

Help yourself and everyone else to keep the timeline intact and functional so we aren't in multiple places at the same time and can keep track of the story line without asking someone else to tell us what's going on. That takes time away from someone's writing, too.

Welcome the new, more mature crew functioning! =)

Susan/Jade Lantz/1/3 of Command Team


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