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March 2021 Sim Report

Posted on Wed 7th Apr, 2021 @ 6:27am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

Sim Name: Starbase 109 / SB109
Task Group: 51-B
URL for website:

Name of Commanding Officer: Suzuki Hikari (Commodore Suzuki)

Noteworthy changes (if any) to your website: Nothing worth noting. Maybe a tweak to an LCARS page or two; that’s about it. There was discussion among the Command Team of splitting up the manifest into parts to accommodate our veritable army of NPCs.
Number of Members at beginning of month: 16
Names of Crew Departed during month: None
Names of Crew added during month: 0
Number of crew at end of month: 16

Title of current mission: Business Not at All as Usual
Description of current mission: Entrepreneurs are forming partnerships, and hiring is happening all over the place. It is a time of change.

Short summary of mission progress during the month: We were lower than we liked in post count, but various plots are decidedly moving forward.
Number of Posts: 61, including one personal log
Average posts per user: 3.81

What have you done this month to change your sim? Just keeping the plots moving forward. The plots are facilitating the changes.

Noteworthy events on your sim during the month:

• Ambassadors T’Vala and Daeren Iril and their aides arrive late to the diplomatic talks between disputing parties in the absence of Lt. Commander Kiara Lena. The person who greets them is Not Amused.
• Strange, terrifying apparitions continue to appear and disappear throughout Brown Sector. Renato Solis seeks assistance from the Security Department to find the person responsible.
• Introduction of several new characters from the lower echelons of Starfleet. This idea was inspired by the Star Trek: Lower Decks animated series.
• Changes are in store for at least one of the Addams sisters.
• Income brings confidence and just a tiny bit of well-deserved extravagance for Neone
• Civilian pilot Sipov Boros makes deals, buys a ship, and applies for a piloting job.
• Makila I’Hartelhai sits down for a talk with her adoptive grandmother.
• Elliott Jericho returns home and moves into new digs with his wife, Meghan.
• OOC: We discovered that Starbase 109 has its own namesake rock band!

Ship Awards given during the month: The following awards were approved by the command team:

Post of the Month nomination and reason: I would like to nominate “Catching Breaks” (”) for Post of the Month. I like the clever way it shows people getting what they want, honestly and dishonestly.

Writer of the Month nomination and reason: Susan, for sheer quantity and quality of posts that she has participated in this month. It’s either 14 or 15; I keep losing count. She contributed to at least three different story arcs this month; perhaps more.

Player of the Month nomination and reason: Nate, for co-writing the second-largest number of posts this month. These included a couple of story arcs with characters written by other players. These all served to further his character Sipov’s plot.


There really was a good mix of prolific writers this month, and they seemed to each come to the fore at different times of the month with story arcs. Sometimes these took place over an evening, and sometimes these took place over a few days, in character. In particular, these writers included Brandon, Mike, Austen, Nate, Charlene, Nikki, and Susan. It was very difficult to pick any one person from among them to nominate for Writer of the Month.

Respectfully submitted by

for the SB-109 Command Team


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