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February Sim Awards

Posted on Thu 11th Mar, 2021 @ 11:56pm by

As always, when we nominate someone for one of the fleet awards and it isn't awarded, we give the same award at the sim level. That means for February, Chantal received the Player of the Month Sim Award: Even with the Covid diagnosis and her work office moving this last month, Chantal more than held up her end of everything, writing multiple JPs (eleven!) and organizing our mission timeline, a monumental task.

Additionally, Mike and Charlene received the Writer of the Month Sim Award: The Valiant and the Vanquished, Part 2 - This is a continuation of a January post, but it stands on its own merits and shows the extreme writing skills of the two authors - a little fantasy, a little romance, a little science fiction!

These additional awards are going out for February:

Teamwork Awards, nominated by Nate:

NCMDR Paul Graves PsyD - Reason: Chantal has shown great interest and helped to pitch ideas or direction for my character since the first day I joined the SIM, and she has been engaged in helping to guide me icly on how to reach that point. Her guidance and the ideas she has shared, as well as the JP's written so far, have allowed Sipov to begin developing a solid footing as a character in the SIM and become someone "invested" in the SIM character community. Her leadership both as an Administrator and Writer I am very thankful for as I learn about the ebbs and flows of the SIM and the story that I as a writer am working to assimilate Sipov into. It has certainly helped in that transition and I look forward to continuing here !!

Jade Lantz: Reason: From the start of my contact with this SIM, Susan has been a guiding light in me learning the ways of the SIM as well as options for my character, and helping to refer out my Character Arc so I can figure out who key players in it could be and what direction to go. Furthermore her participation in posts has been just as outstanding, especially as she's writing multiple other characters in the post with me, bringing it to life even further. She's a credit to this SIM both as an Administrator and as a Writer (Which I'm sure you all already know) but for her once more, is more than well deserved !!

Captain's Honor Award: Commander Henry Perry - Brandon came back from LOA with a great story arc idea and jumped right into it, getting some others involved in a new undercover mission. He organized everything, created a ship, and got others moving creatively and literally.

Cupid Awards to both halves of the couple involved: Maiek s'Ethien and Mary Elizabeth Gregory - Ruth plays half the couple with great courtship skills in "A Night at the Spa, parts 1 and 2". Chantal plays the other half of the couple and responds well to courtship rituals!

Distinguished Newcomer Award: Nate has interacted with several of our characters to create a great story line for himself as a half-Vulcan who was brought up by Breen. He's posted well and often and makes a great addition to our starbase.

Doyle Mystery Award: As Yari, Mike has created another story arc involving mystery and intrigue, kidnapping and rescues, and blending interesting races together.

That's it for February, but March is here, so stay tuned for more awards in April, and nominate as you like. You can find the nomination box here: It should also be on your User menu in the right sidebar. If you don't see it there, let me know and I'll adjust that.

Until next month ...

Your Command Team, proud to lead such a great writing group ... or to sit back and follow you!


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Comments (1)

by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sat 13th Mar, 2021 @ 4:21am

Heh...Those two posts were Ruth's way of telling me, "Michaels had better step up his game!" And she is right. :)
