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February Fleet Report

Posted on Fri 5th Mar, 2021 @ 7:29pm by

Sim name: Starbase 109

URL for website:

Name of commanding officer:  Suzuki Hikari (Commodore Suzuki)

Task Group:  51-B

Number of members at beginning of month: 16

Names of characters/players departed during month: 0

Names of characters/players added during month: 0

Number of crew at end of month: 16

Title of current mission:  Business Not At All As Usual
Description of current mission:  Milli-Cochrane arc is coming to a close with ghostly encounters in Brown Sector and the Zodiac; A new section of the base - the lowest 250 decks - is opening up with enlisted personnel's lives; a half-Vulcan pilot, Sipov Boros is working to drum up business and employ people from the Brown Sector; another 109 resident is being kidnapped; romances continue.

Short summary of mission progress during the month:  New mission name, story arcs continue.  Daisy Pantoufle is aboard and offering a new job to Damion Ildaron.  While frightening things occur on some levels, other lives go on normally. Addamses are gone, and Intelligence will be going after Dobbs as soon as they have a plan.

Number of posts (as shown on the stats page in Nova):  95

Post per player (user) average (as shown on the stats page in Nova):  5.94

Noteworthy changes/events on your sim during the month:  We added 3 new NPCs and 2 more will be added this week.     We're trying to reactivate 3 long time LOA players.

Problems (if any) that the command staff should be aware of:  None at this time.

Writer of the Month nomination and reason:  Nate:  Nate is a recent addition (Sipov Boros) who has jumped in with both feet and is giving a different viewpoint to some things taken for granted about Brown Sector.  In his first month with us, he has done seven JPs with several different writers.

Player of the Month nomination and reason:  Chantal.  Even with the Covid diagnosis and her work office moving this last month, Chantal more than held up her end of everything, writing multiple JPs (eleven!) and organizing our mission timeline, a monumental task.
Post of the Month nomination and URL: The Valiant and the Vanquished, Part 2 -  Charlene and Mike - This is a continuation of a January post, but it stands on its own merits and shows the extreme writing skills of the two authors - a little fantasy, a little romance, a little science fiction!

Submitted by the Command Team


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