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Awards Adjustment

Posted on Sun 10th Jan, 2021 @ 5:04am by

Okay all you award-winning authors, we still have a problem, and there is a solution, two in fact, but I don't know which, if either, you'd prefer, so please PM me and let me know.

Players who have been on the sim a long time have a lot of awards! We like giving awards. We like receiving awards, but there seems to be a limit to how many we can put in Nova. If there isn't, I surely haven't been able to figure out how to add more than it is showing.

Solution One:

Announce the awards, and don't put them on the players' bio awards page.

Solution Two: (temporary, because it will fill up again!)

Remove all the general awards, such as unit of distinction; remove all awards that supercede previous awards, i.e. if you have the award for 100 posts, and then you get 150, the 100 award comes off and the 150 goes up - same with milestones for time served on SB109. This gives more space, but only until you win too many awards again. Did I say that? Is there such a thing as too many awards???

I experimented with the second solution for Jade Lantz, and it does seem to help. The only other thing I could think of was if someone received, e.g., the Post of the month award in January, and then received it again in November, the November one would go up and the January one would come down. I hesitate to do that, but am open to your opinions, and other solutions you may see.

The awards for the sim itself stay up for the year they are given, so right now, the main page has all the 2020 awards, except December. After January awards are given, I will transfer the 2020 awards to the main historical awards page, which is linked on the Main sidebar, but is an off-site page. It goes back to 2016, the most recent iteration of this sim. Some of us were around much earlier for other iterations, but I didn't transfer the awards for those over.

I could make an awards page for each player that works the same way, but that's a lot of work for me, frankly. I'm not excited about doing that, though there is plenty of room on my Cyberspaces website for them. Maintaining awards at the level that I do is already time consuming, so I'm not volunteering to do that at this time, since we have 16 players, and you all are, or will be, award winners! Good stuff happens here. =)

Let me know your opinions, or else I'll just have to make an executive decision, and I'd prefer input instead. =)

Susan on behalf of the Command Team


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Comments (1)

by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Wed 13th Jan, 2021 @ 11:39pm

I favor the system whereby old iterations of awards are removed and replaced with new iterations of them when needed.

I am willing to help you with this so you aren't overcurdened.