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Posted on Tue 8th Dec, 2020 @ 9:09am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

Sim Name: Starbase 109 / SB109
Task Group: 51-B
URL for website:

Name of Commanding Officer: Suzuki Hikari (Commodore Suzuki)

Noteworthy changes (if any) to your website: Added October award images, corrected a character’s rank. Otherwise, nothing worth noting.
Number of Members at beginning of month: 15
Names of Crew Departed during month: None
Names of Crew added during month: 1
Number of crew at end of month: 16

Title of current mission: Denouement
Description of current mission:

The mission title refers to the long sought-for mission to apprehend Adm. Adrian Dobbs and to stop his reign of scientific terror.

Short summary of mission progress during the month: We were low in post count, but various plots are decidedly moving forward.

Number of Posts: 33, including two personal logs
Average posts per user: 1.94

What have you done this month to change your sim? Welcomed a new player. Hi, Nate!
Noteworthy events on your sim during the month:

• Ambassadors T’Vala and Daeren Iril and their aides depart to negotiate diplomatic talks between disputing parties in the absence of Lt. Commander Kiara Lena
• Strange, terrifying apparitions appear and disappear throughout Brown Sector. Renato Solis is on the case, but the Brown Sector Sheriff’s Department kind of wishes he weren’t.
• The Addams family continues their Halloween party. Pumpkin sacrifices abound!
• Civilian pilot Sipov Boros tries to find the Housing Office on Starbase 109.
• Progress in Makila I’Hartelhai’s career, as she takes her Medical Board exams.
• Dr. Yuliette Marayan, aka Neone, takes a friend up on an offer and gets her hands painted.
• Kellian Michaels’ and Muffet Langston’s date continues with some dancing.
• Elliott Jericho’s adventures as the Black Knight continue. He must fight a duel to the death.
• Neone (Yuliette) looks to make a business arrangement with Dr. s’Siedhri. So does Dr. Kahgen.
• Ignatius Collins persuades Purulence Addams to do something she is afraid she can’t do.

Ship Awards given during the month: The following awards were approved by the command team:

Departmental Distinction Award—Science to Ruth (Makila I’Hartelhai) for the amount of medical detail she put into the questions for Makila’s Board exams, particularly for her creativity in coming up with an injury to an Andorian. (Nominated by Chantal)

Character Development Ribbon—to Austen (Renato Solis). Throughout all of the writer's posts, he's carried and developed Renato's past and his tendency to get nosy and bend some rules, take some risks, all for what he sees as the right thing to do. He continues to struggle with the past he's trying to put behind him and is reliant on his support network. (Nominated by Nikki)

Teamwork Award—to Chantal (Paul Graves). Always a pleasure to write with, keeps the story going! (Nominated by Austen)

Distinguished Newcomer Award—to Nate (Sipov Boros). For a look into the seamier and dodgier side of life, through the eyes of a starship pilot. Looking forward to reading more about Sipov! (Nominated by Paul Graves)

Additional Comments:

Writer of the Month Nomination and reason: To Ruth. She has solo-written or collaborated on six posts that were published this month and is currently collaborating on at least two others that are still in the works.

Player of the Month Nomination and reason: To Nikki for writing and/or contributing to nine posts this month—the highest count for the sim in November by a member not on the command team.

Post of the Month Nomination (and URL): “Board Exams” by Ruth .


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