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June Fleet Awards

Posted on Sat 11th Jul, 2020 @ 4:01am by

Hello, Award-Winning Crew!

Sit back with your favorite summer drink (mine is raspberry lemonade!) and get ready to read some compliments. There's a surprise or two here!

June Awards for SB109 in area 51:

First, we came back up to our Silver Unit of Distinction spot for June! Yay! Thanks for all of your posting during June. This award is based strictly on number of posts. Number of posts is determined according to how many people write in a post, so a JP with 4 players equals 4 posts.

Post of the Month for Area 51 is our team who were “Shoring up the Defenses” (! That's LCDR Andrew Eberstark, LCDR Alora Baro and LCDR Dallas Briggs. (Joseph, Christina and Mike - congratulations!)

For Area 51-A, we have the TGCO Award of Merit, as well. Thanks to all who sim here and made this possible.

But wait! There's more! June marks the end of the quarter, so there are the Second Quarter Awards. Drum roll, please.

The Sim of the Quarter, Area 51, is ... SB109! "An eclectic sim, SB109 has a Brown Sector, an assassin, a ghost, a Klingon Ambassador who can’t stop getting into trouble, and a lot of interesting characters that combine to make this sim truly unique." Wow, that's high praise for all of you wonderful writers. Thank you and congratulations!

And 'nother drumroll!

Writer of the Quarter, Area 51, is Nikki! "She really has put in a lot of work, and her writing has been of an exceptionally high quality--and quantity. She has written a series of posts introducing her character, Yuliette, to the starbase, and the posts have been like a book you can't put down. We have all enjoyed reading them." Congratulations to our recently-joined Nikki. It may be a first that a new writer has won the quarterly award, but it is certainly deserved, since she did a quarter's worth of posts and more!

It will take me a while to catch up with sim and fleet awards - and I don't have links for the fleet ones yet, but they'll be along shortly. Well done. Give yourselves a pat on the back!

The Command Team


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Comments (1)

by Yuliette Marayan Dr. on Sun 12th Jul, 2020 @ 3:18am

I feel like I musta sniped that award, coming in in the last couple weeks of the quarter... Thank you for submitting my name! Congrats to all for recognitions well deserved! ~n