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May Fleet Report

Posted on Wed 3rd Jun, 2020 @ 5:34am by
Edited on Wed 3rd Jun, 2020 @ 5:36am

Sim Name: Starbase 109 / SB109
Task Group: 51-A
URL for website:

Name of Commanding Officer: Hikari Suzuki (Commodore Suzuki)

Noteworthy changes (if any) to your website: None

Number of Members at beginning of month: 13
Names of Crew Departed during month: none
Names of Crew added during month:  none
Number of crew at end of month: 13

Title of current mission: Resolution
Description of current mission:  Working on: 

  • *returning science mission to base - and the lost are finding themselves in space
    *backstory on several exciting characters - ongoing
    *exploring the Brown Sector - ongoing, new Sheriff is visiting people
    *wrapping up Alegari investigation - homing in on exactly who put the ring in her finger,
        and where they are.

    Short summary of mission progress during the month: Posting picked up quite a bit in May, and story lines, old and new, are moving along

    Number of Posts: 49
    Average posts per user: 3.69

    What have you done this month to change your sim?  Gotten my own act together a little more so I could involve more players in posts.

    Noteworthy event on your sim during the month: Approved promotion of Dallas Briggs to LCDR as of June 1.

    Awards (if any) given during the month:

    Longevity Awards: 
    Jade Lantz, 8 years as of June 2

    Lieutenant JG Artyom Mikhailov, 1 year as of May 8

    Mission Posting Awards:

    Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena (50)

    Additional Comments:

    Writer of the Month Nomination and reason:   Chantal:  Even though fully engaged in difficult college classes, Chantal posted with a variety of characters for a total of 10 posts in May.

    Player of the Month Nomination and reason:  Aaron:  New man on ship, new character in underdeveloped location of base, and he still posted 3 times before the end of the month.

    Post of the Month Nomination (and URL):  Lily:  viewpost/1517  Adrift II, Maggie Jericho is trying to survive for herself and her unborn child, but her escape shuttle is not cooperating.

    Submitted by SB109's command committee


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