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March Fleet Awards

Posted on Tue 14th Apr, 2020 @ 1:10am by

Greetings, Fellow Writers and Awesome Crew!

It's time to announce the March 2020 and First Quarter 2020 Fleet Awards. We had a low posting month in March, but thanks to Mike, Charlene, Chantal, and Ruth, it wasn't a disastrous month. We are already 1 post away from matching our March total with April's totals! Keep up the good work.

Even with lower totals, which I think was true across the board, SB109 tied for Bronze Unit of Distinction with USS Redemption & USS Wolff in Task Force 51. That means we all had the same post totals in March. Congratulations!

Our star award winner for March was Ruth. First, she tied with USS Tokyo's Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato for Player of the Month in Task Force 51: Ruth has shown great versatility in playing Romulans on SB109. Her characters always have a wonderful depth to them and often make me either laugh or cry. She plays well opposite anyone on the crew, and something that rouses emotions comes from her story lines. In March, there's both a heartfelt reunion and a bit of romance beginning with separate characters. I can't wait to read more of them, and of the good the doctor and his daughter are doing in the Brown Sector.

But then, it got even better! Ruth was also awarded Player of the Quarter for Task Force 51! Congratulations, Ruth, on both awards. The Player of the Quarter is quite an honor with so many players involved in TF51 sims.

From the Command Team


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