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Checking In with the Crew

Posted on Fri 7th Feb, 2020 @ 12:53am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

Hello, everyone! It's been pretty quiet on SB-109 for the last few days. I am checking in to let you all know that your leadership team is still around and working on posts behind the scenes. Jenny remains on sick leave, and Susan is dealing with illness in her family--the Creeping Crud does like to spread. I am keeping busy with work and school, but I do take a little time in the evenings to be here for this sim.

I am likely to be quite busy with school between now and the end of April; just warning you. My next school term starts May 1, which will mean a relaxing of the workload.

If you would like to propose a plot, please do so! I do have at least one Valentine's Day post planned. Gotta love the holidays. When your creative juices are being absorbed by other things, holidays are wonderful tools to use to help you with plots--especially if you find ways to do something non-traditional with the holiday.

Anyway, to paraphrase, Eddard Stark, "Spring is coming." With it, we plan to move some story-arcs forward and resolve them. I'm looking forward to it!

For the Leadership Team,



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