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More Awards? Yes!

Posted on Mon 13th Jan, 2020 @ 7:37pm by

First we have the 4th Quarter Awards. SB109 did win some there.

First, the CO of the Quarter is the SB109 Command Team! The nomination reads: SB109 is run by a trio of amazing women who make the starbase a real home for a wide variety of characters. They’ve made SB109 a fascinating place to live and play.

Next, the Writer of the Quarter is our own Brandon Perry! His nomination reads: SB109 has a number of fine writers. Brandon has interesting characters and interesting posts that are always enjoyable.

Next, the Year-End Awards. The annual Writer and Player awards were based on the monthly nominations. The CO, XO, and Sim awards were based on a number of factors, including participation, activity, quality of writing, leadership, and how they help build community on their sim.

In Area 51, Writer of the year goes to Susan.

To see all the winners outside of our sim, click on the Theta button at the top of the sim pages and read the latest posts there.

I think we've had a really great year of awards, spreading them out over most of the players all year, as each of you stepped up at different times. I'm excited to open another year of working with all of you!

Susan/aka Jade Lantz


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Comments (1)

by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Tue 14th Jan, 2020 @ 12:43am

Congratulations, Susan!!!
