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August Report to Theta Fleet

Posted on Tue 3rd Sep, 2019 @ 6:02am by

Hey, gang, just a quick note about how Nova, the software that runs our website, handles post counts and JPs. You may look at the post count below and think, "113? How?" It's because, when you contribute to a JP, it counts as a post for everyone who contributed. So if we do a post with five contributing authors, that's counted as five posts. Over time, that adds up.

Here's the point I wanted to make: When you split a JP, make sure that the part you post is the part everyone's been working on. If you haven't changed the wordcount and saved at least once, Nova doesn't count your contribution. So if you cut off the top, put it in a new post, and post that? Only the person who did the cutting, pasting and posting gets credit. On the other hand, if you chop off the bottom and post the part everyone's been working on, then everyone gets credit. Paste the bottom into a new post, and as people work on it, they'll be registered as authors automagically.

Thanks to everyone for your hard work this month and always.

Sim Name: Starbase 109 / SB109

Task Group: 51-B

URL for website:

Name of Commanding Officer: Hikari Suzuki (Commodore Suzuki)

Noteworthy changes (if any) to your website: Nopers

Number of Members at beginning of month: 11

Names of Crew Departed during month: None

Names of Crew added during month: Charlene / Kiara Lena (Diplomatic Officer

Number of crew at end of month: 12

Title of current mission: A Diplomatic Affair

Description of current mission: A Federation protectorate world establishes an enclave at Starbase 109, and various diplomatic envoys show up to access their resources.

Short summary of mission progress during the month: We finally got the Besm aboard after... what? Eight months? Nine months? working on this mission?

Number of Posts: 113

Average posts per user: 9.42

What have you done this month to improve your sim? Sometimes, maintaining is the best I can do.

Noteworthy event on your sim during the month: We got the Besm aboard! Yay!

Problems (if any) that the command staff should be aware of: I'm burning out.

Awards (if any) given during the month:
Charlene / Kiara Lena and Mike / Dallas Briggs - Cupid Award
Charlene / Kiara Lena - Distinguished Newcomer Award
Rob / Artyom Mikhailov - Character Development
Christine / Alora Baro - Montgomery Scott Engineering Award
Ruth / Khellian s'Siedhri - Unsung Hero
Rob / Artyom Mikhailov - Captain's Honor
Jenny / Experiment Number Six Addams - Civilian Contribution
Lily / Meghan Jericho - Non-Player Character Ribbon
Mike / Dallas Briggs - Distinguished Newcomer Award

Additional Comments:

Writer of the Month Nomination and reason: Charlene / Kiara Lena. Charlene came in like the tide, wrote a JP with everyone, revitalized a storyline that had been neglected for too long.

Player of the Month Nomination and reason: Rob / Artyom Mikhailov. Rob has shaken things up nicely. With an unusual family background, he has come aboard with his young son and brought all the worries of parenting with him, plus a few most of us don't have to deal with. I loved the holographic dog he brought into the story for his son, and the child's reaction to having it turned off to take home!

Post of the Month Nomination (and URL): No Bearskins, But... ( ) Police procedural as the Security Department of Starbase 109 begins to put pieces of evidence together.


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