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June Report to Fleet

Posted on Sun 7th Jul, 2019 @ 10:53pm by

Sim Name: Starbase 109

Task Group: 51-2

URL for website: ( )

Name of Commanding Officer: Suzuki Hikari (Commodore Suzuki)

Noteworthy changes (if any) to your website: Wait, what? Websites are changeable? Since when?

All seriousness aside, Susan does an amazing job of keeping our Wiki up-to-date and consistent, and never gets nearly enough recognition for that herculean task.

Number of Members at beginning of month: 10

Names of Crew Departed during month:

Names of Crew added during month: Mike / Lieutenant Dallas Briggs

Number of crew at end of month: 11

Title of current mission: A Diplomatic Affair

Description of current mission: The Besm, a Federation protectorate world, open an enclave on Starbase 109, and an unexpected guest arrives for the celebration.

Short summary of mission progress during the month: We have a dismaying tendency for our storylines to wander quite far from what I think the main point of the mission is, but we have fun doing it, so that's what counts, right?

Number of Posts: 127

Average posts per user: 11.55

What have you done this month to improve your sim? Watched a lot of belly dance videos on YouTube.

What? You think that doesn't help? Have you seen what these women can do?! ( )

Noteworthy event on your sim during the month: Eto... ano....

Problems (if any) that the command staff should be aware of: None of which I am aware.

[list]Awards (if any) given during the month: Oh, we had a whole flurry... let me see...
[*]Lily / CDR Collins-Keller received the Recruitment Ribbon for bringing in our newest players.
[*]Jenny / COM Suzuki received the NPC Ribbon for writing numerous different NPCs.
[*]Chantal / LCDR Paul Graves received the Character development ribbon for, well, developing her characters.
[*]Mike / LT Dallas Briggs receives the Cupid Award for character interactions with his dead wife.
[*]Probably someone else I forgot, because my brain, like the moon, is made of Swiss cheese.

Additional Comments:

Writer of the Month Nomination and reason: Susan and Mike. We had a phenomenal posting month, and if you dig into the numbers with a spoon, you'll find that at least half of those posts were generated by these two.

Player of the Month Nomination and reason: Susan for taking point on making sure our new writers have someone with whom to write, and things about which to write.

Post of the Month Nomination (and URL):
An example of how we wander gleefully off the beaten path, here at Starbase 109, while having a grand time of it. A new spa opened, and pretty much everyone either attended or considered attending: ( )


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Comments (1)

by on Mon 8th Jul, 2019 @ 12:53pm

Wow. I think that much recognition will last me for a few years! Thank you, and thanks to those who nominated me for awards.

Nothing on a sim is done in a vacuum, and without every one of the wonderful writers I get to play with in this SB109 sandbox, there would be nothing to do. The imaginative ideas that come out of the partners here engaged in creating Starfleet events is phenomenal. At one time or another, all the players on the sim have come up with story arcs, including our two newest ones! That mix is what makes SB109 a great place to write.

Susan/aka a cast of dozens