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Memorial Day 2019

Posted on Mon 27th May, 2019 @ 10:16am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

Today is Memorial Day in the United States, a time when we honor the sacrifices of our military servicepeople who have lost their lives, and families of active duty military personnel. If you are a friend or a relative of someone in active duty or past military service, we thank them for what they have given to their country.

I am currently reading a book called Sacred Duty, by US Senator Tom Cotton. It is a book about the Old Guard unit that oversees funerals of servicepeople at Arlington National Cemetery, among other duties. It is fascinating reading.

For those of you who are enjoying a day off, relax, and I hope you have lovely weather.

For the leadership team


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Comments (1)

by on Mon 27th May, 2019 @ 9:45pm

I just read a book that included an Arlington funeral. It sounds like a profound experience. Thanks to those who are willing to serve the cause of freedom, in any country.