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November Fleet Report

Posted on Wed 5th Dec, 2018 @ 11:57am by

Hey, gang. We've wrapped up another month, and here's the report I submitted to Theta Fleet about it.

Sim Name: Starbase 109

Task Group: 51-2

URL for website:

Name of Commanding Officer: Captain Suzuki

Noteworthy changes (if any) to your website: Nope.

Number of Members at beginning of month: 10

Names of Crew Departed during month: Over the last couple of months, we shed four inactive players, but I don't remember when, or who.

Names of Crew added during month: None

Number of crew at end of month: 10

Title of current mission: Oblivion

Description of current mission: When you have no place left to go. When you just want to get lost. It's there. Waiting.

Short summary of mission progress during the month: Pirates have run rampant. Battles have happened. Lives have been lost. Meanwhile, on the station, the local Disney VP has threatened to pull her corporate support if the pirates can't be contained toot sweet. The Eldest of the Addams has revealed a Deep, Dark Family secret, and now seeks to put things right for her great-granddaughter. Discussions about Federation fringe research into pseudo-Borg technologies is ongoing.

Number of Posts: 63

Average posts per user: 5.73

What have you done this month to improve your sim? Hahahahahahahahaha.

Noteworthy event on your sim during the month: After a couple of really rough months (nothing really notable, just everyone's life-cycle synched up and got in the way at the same time) we've started to climb back on our collective horse.

Problems (if any) that the command staff should be aware of:

Awards (if any) given during the month: I don't think we gave any. I should do something about that.

Additional Comments:

Writer of the Month Nomination and reason: Allison (LCOL Brooklyn Wellington) for fantastic initiative in PC and NPC plotlines.

Player of the Month Nomination and reason: Brandon (LT Isabella Perry), back with us after moving across the Atlantic!

Post of the Month Nomination (and URL): ( )
"The Fire Within." Disney Interstellar VP Leah Jamison confronts Captain Suzuki about ongoing pirate activity in and near the Triangle, and Suzuki levels with her.


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