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Pre-Evaluation Briefing

Posted on Wed 31st Dec, 2014 @ 11:23pm by Lieutenant Zhara Rynn & Colonel Marcus DeSalle & Lieutenant Samantha Leyton & Lieutenant Donald Corsino & Commander Geraldine "Geri" Severide

1,073 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Conference Room
Timeline: MD1: 1300 Hrs

"Attention all senior staff. This is Lieutenant Geri Severide your acting XO. Report to the conference room in twenty minutes. Severide out."

Geri smiled as she closed the channel and leaned back on the chair at the head of the conference room table. DeSalle had seen something he liked on the hike, perhaps her low cut shirt and promoted her to acting XO while Colonel Karikkar healed in the infirmary. The man had great taste and she intended to savour her new title and all the pleasures of it. Her first task was the yearly evaluation of the Starbase's defensive readiness. A chance to flex her mental muscles and maybe kick a few chests in. All was fair in her world and if there was one thing she loved it was digging her heels into a man's gut, especially when he wouldn't see it coming.

DeSalle walked in a moment later, nodding to his new pro-tem XO. He grabbed a Mountain Dew from the replicator and sat in his customary seat. He was eager to see how this fiery young officer would handle the next assignment. He was still a little sore from the hike, but he hid it well.

"Colonel, honey." Geri replied with sly smile that spread from ear to ear. "It's so nice to see you and I was almost sure you wouldn't make it. Guess I can't be right all the time." she shrugged.

Zhara walked into the room and shook her head at Geri's comment. She still wasn't sure what caused the Colonel to choose her as his acting Xo. The woman was clearly nuts and unfit for command, but apart from informing the Colonel of her evaluation there was little she could do -- until Geri proved herself unfit for duty. "Hello," she said quietly and took a seat near the back.

Donald walked in and wondered what might be in store this time. 'Acting XO' had an ominous ring to it, but he was fine with going with the flow for now.

Klang had shook his head when he had heard the voice over the horn. What LUNATIC would assign Geri as XO? That in and of itself was enough of a recommendation to have them declared metally unfit, although from his experiences with Geri from before, it was entirely possible that the crazy woman had attacked the CO from behind and shoved the poor old codger into a closet. He glared at Geri as he entered the lounge. Rather than come up immediately confrontational, he found a seat and readied the hypospray in his pocket in case he needed to sedate the nutjob.

Geri eyed Klang the entire time as he entered the room. "What's cooking doc?" she quipped smiling wryly as she could sense he was bothered by her new position.

Warrant Officer Edward Bauer entered the room following the doctor having recently been assigned to act as the Chief of Intelligence while Geri assumed her new role as acting XO. He wasn't sure what to make of what had happened and he had yet to meet the CO. He hoped her promotion was one of merit and not manipulation. He took a seat looking to her as he awaited her to explain the nature of the meeting.

"Alright then. So the plugs at Starfleet have decided that this station requires an annual readiness verification to ensure we are capable of defending this station in the instance it should be invaded. As a test they will assemble an would-be invasion force with the task of assaulting the station and overtaking it. You folks will decide how simple that task will be for them.

Our to make sure they don't get control of this place. Assignments; Bauer and Corsino. Get me intel on the invasion force and develop a defense strategy. Klingon blender looking guy, you'll handle any of the 'casualties', Engineering and Ops will handle the refits to the station so they match Starfleet's requirements for this game. can help the blender. Major Flyboy, you'll be on standby until the enemies arrive. Make sure your underlings are ready and the fighters are refitted to the same specifications from Starfleet given to Engineering and Ops, use them if you need em. Colonel, I'll be looking to you to handle the grunts incase they somehow manage to get onboard...."

Geri paused as she looked to the counsellor. "As for you....I don't know...say prayers, raise moral hide under a rock, help medical, just don't get in anyone's way. Questions, Quandries, Queries?"

"I am an advisor and diplomat as well as a counselor," Zhara reminded the woman. "I do not pray under a rock." She raised an eyebrow as she considered the other woman. "Although I wonder how many times you've found yourself in that position?"

"Not religious, next question!" Geri replied.

Marcus cleared his throat. Clearly he had not expected this level of flippancy from his new XO, but he was determined to give her enough rope to let her hang herself.

"Too bad. You might have learned something about dealing with people," Zhara replied calmly. She had to admit, the woman was obnoxious enough that she was finding a perverse pleasure in pushing her buttons.

Leyton entered the room as all eyes turned towards her. "I apologize for being late, but I just arrived. I'm Lieutenant Leyton and I've been assigned as the station's Security Chief."

"Well at least we can all sleep better now." Geri quipped. "Take a seat."

"Welcome, Lieutenant Leyton. I am Zhara, the station's counselor." Zhara smiled warmly at the newcomer. "That is Lieutenant Severide." Zhara brushed past that introduction. "And that is Colonel DeSalle, the commander of Protector."

Geri crossed her arms impatiently as the room stood silent for the moment. "If no one has any further questions, Miss Late-ton can remain behind while the rest of you are dismissed."

Zhara stood, glad to be out of the briefing. She paused by Colonel DeSalle. "Remind her who's in charge," she said quietly before walking out of the room.

The others soon followed. All except for Commander Severide, Lieutenant Leyton and Colonel DeSalle.


Commander Geraldine Severide
Acting XO

Colonel Marcus DeSalle
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Zhara Rynn

Lieutenant Donald Corsino
Chief Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Klang Morden
Chief Medical Officer

Warrant Officer Edward Bauer
Acting Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Samantha Leyton
Chief Security Officer


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