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Sat 8th Mar, 2025 @ 5:43pm

Commander Geraldine "Geri" Severide

Name Geraldine "Geri" Elise Severide

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species 1/2 Human 1/2 Betazoid
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 137 Lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue (Contacts)
Physical Description Geraldine stands at an average height for a Human woman with long flowing blonde hair and blue eyes. She is usually impeccably dressed, and has extensive performance and acrobatic training giving her the mask of many faces. She is a classical beauty by Human standards but she feels like a blood soaked Klingon inside.


Spouse None
Children By Choice: none
Father Vice Admiral (Ret'd) Caleb Severide
Mother Annaxia Severide
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) 1/2 sister Betazoid side: Toraia
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses + Confident, absolutely ruthlessly efficient in her decision making.
+ Intelligent, always in classes trying to learn all of the Masters levels courses offered in Starfleet.
+ Top tier Athleticism, loves to use her empathy to gain willpower and emotional stamina from teammates.
+ Quick Thinking, loves puzzles, decrypting.
+ Professional Spy, trained in tactical operations and Intelligence, proficient in data analysis and investigation techniques.

- Arrogant, she hardly ever loses, and will stop at nothing to win.
- Manipulative, a true spy she is shameless with deception
- Paranoid, projection of her own guilt manifested as paranoia someone is doing to her what she does to them.
- Ambitious, she wants power and isnt afraid to let people know.
Ambitions Geri wishes to attain the highest position she can within Starfleet, and has collected a black box worth of data to help her when she needs it. Geri’s private file has secrets, dark and delightful.
Hobbies & Interests Social and Political study of geopolitics
History and contextual pattern analysis for projection models

Personal History Geraldine Elise Severide was born in San Francisco, California, Earth a short distance from Starfleet Headquarters where her father at the time worked. The Severide family was well off benefitting from the perks of having a Starfleet Admiral as the head of their pack. Geraldine never found herself having to engage in any labor intensive activities as her father, a former engineer and now high ranking official of the Research and Development division had designed technology to tend to her needs. However this also left a distance between Geri and her father as his duties to Starfleet often exceeded those of his own daughter. Annaxia was a victim of circumstance as being an emissary to Betazoid often left her having to attend functions and being parted from Geri.

As such Geri gained her first attribute that would one day lead to her ascension in the Intelligence branch, independence. Much of her life skills were gained by careful study of the routines of the machine created by her father and by the brief moments she was able to study her parents. When permitted, her mother would take her to diplomatic functions and this is where Geri learned the art of manipulation. Being half betazoid Geri through both her mother and through training from a family friend learned how to hone her empathic skills and fixate on the emotions of other individuals.

During her academic years in schooling prior to the Academy Geraldine would focus on social sciences and politics studying current trends and tracking the current events paying particular attention to ways in which individuals conducted themselves. While Geri was no socialite she did maintain a few acquaintances and enough of a social stature not to be considered a loner. As she grew into her teenage years and her body began to 'change' she suddenly became popular at high school without even trying. Boys wanted to date her and girls wanted to be her. Once again her needs came easy to her as she was able to manipulate her 'friends' to better herself and achieve her goals all unbeknownst to her parents who now did not attempt to immerse themselves in their daughter's life as they wanted to respect her privacy and independence.

It was during a recruitment drive at her high school that Geri would make the choice of which branch of Starfleet she wished join as a career in Starfleet was a no-brainer for her.

Geri would go to the Academy as an Intelligence Officer. As such she was publicly listed as “Comms Specialist,” and given puzzles training to decrypt real cyphers. A lifetime of tangential thinking and a propensity to be best drover her to excel. Using her natural talents she made sure friends were staunch allies and enemies were too afraid to act. She leapt to the top of her class, but the ambition was noticed, and she was formally censured for behavior unbecoming a Starfleet Officer. This has hurt her chances of becoming a Commander, despite her clear abilities.
Service Record Starfleet Academy: 2381-2385

Geri began her time at Starfleet Academy much like she began her time in high school. Once her social life began to bloom she never let it interfere in her studies but would often perform 'social' experiments testing how various people would react to various stimuli. This was not limited to starting fake rumours and leaking stolen exam answers, and included outright manipulation of her classmates. Her schemes of Machiavellian proportions were called out, and she was given a black mark called “ambitious.”

In her later years she focused more heavily on the human intelligence specialty of the intelligence branch taking such classes as psychology and human anatomy. She realized the advantages to having immediate knowledge in her head without need to ask or research so she signed up for Academic Masters courses in every field.

Four years later she graduated from the Academy and received her first assignment aboard the Defiant class USS Cobra as an Ensign.

USS Cobra: 2385-2388

Unimpressed by her assignment at first being placed on such a small vessel such as a defiant. Geri soon became informed of the true covert nature of the USS Cobra and it's assignment. On the surface the vessel served as a border patrol vessel occasionally called upon as an escort for federation VIP's, however in reality the ship served as a front for a specialized intelligence ops team dedicated to the investigation of internal affairs and conflicts. Her first duties included the interrogation of several individuals deemed traitors which would put her manipulative skills to the test. When she got no answers she became a cold brutal woman who spared no moral code in forcing the answers out. She learned on the job very quickly her social games worked on a larger scale.

While not explicitly noted, her work would lead her to a promotion and her next assignment aboard the USS Katana.

USS Katana: 2388-2391

Geri would experience somewhat of a culture shock as she moved from a 'deep cover' ship to a more routine tour. The Katana would for the most part underutilize her talents restricting her to data retrieval and organization. The Katana had no deployment, team, so her duty was unfulfilling. She obtained dozens of Masters Certifications in biology, Engineering, Linguistics, before taking over as a sector adjutant for data control systems remotely from the Vessel.

With no serious reprimands to her record, only a couple 'social' experiments gone awry, Geri was promoted to Lieutenant and transferred to Starbase Protector as a Tactical Operations Lieutenant.

Starbase Protector: 2391-2396.

Protector was a vitally placed Stardock within range of nearly a hundred star systems whose domains were in the shadows of Romulans and Klingons. Their Intelligence gathering network was centered there, Geri learned the business of running Sector Tactical Control.

-2396, A dpesarture from the station command team opened a position within the Base Command team. With her present work serving a vital interest, and with the departure of the Station's XO. Geri was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and assigned as Protector's Acting XO.

-Starbase 109- Geri has been re-assigned to the Triangle for Sector Control. Her present rank will be retained to allow her to continue in obscurity as an intelligence officer.

-Promotion to Commander for service excellence. Given office of Chief Intelligence officer and liaison to Triangle Director of Intelligence.