The Heart of the Anubis
Posted on Fri 14th Nov, 2014 @ 11:26am by Lieutenant Zhara Rynn & Colonel Marcus DeSalle & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar & Captain Eee-eee-rie--eeee-eek Nightingale D.Sc
1,076 words; about a 5 minute read
Location: Anubis
Timeline: Continued from " Mysteries wrapped in enigmas part 4"
[Continued from Mysteries wrapped in enigmas part 4
[Stolen from another short post]
As Nightingale stumbled in to Sickbay, her mind was still running on auto-pilot.
Her mind was incapable of normal function. She just collapsed on to a chair, and waited for someone to arrive to notice that she needed assistance.
Lev. She thought to herself, completely lost at the the thought.
Klang walked in right behind her hoisted her with gentle care, on to one of the bio-beds and started the scan.. "now let's see what we have here."
Nightingale only then actually acknowledged his presence. "Oh. Hello." She said, blinking several times, before focusing on him. "Uhm. I was told to come here. By Not-Commodore-Drake."
"Yes, you've had quite a shock from the impact, just lay back and relax and we'll fix you up nicely..." Klang said with a smile meant to be friendly.
"Am I not already lying back?" She asked, confused. "Oh. I've probably soaked your biobed. Aquatic field to 10 percent." She added, quietly.
Zhara ran to Tallus and tapped her combadge. "Zhan to sickbay. Emergency transport of Colonel Karikkar."
Klang grumbled, "when it snows, there's a blizzard."
"He was injured and said he was okay, but he is clearly more hurt than he let on," she explained to the doctor.
As the transporter stasis field released him, Tallus collapsed, unconscious, onto the deck.
Klang sighed and scooped the man up off the deck and placed him onto the bio-bed adjacent to the other patient. I suppose with you being unconcious, you aren't going to tell me where your boo boo is?" Not expecting nor receiving a response, he started the bed on it's scan and returned to his previous patient.
Karikkar: I have serious internal damage as well as head trauma. I am going on a very extended leave and am to fall into a coma.
Zhara watched Tallus disappear, then turned to the person hooked up to the computer. "Can you navigate the ship? I would like the ship to dock with the starbase so that we can help you." She sent him a mental image of what she meant so that he would understand.
"It's been so long... I'd forgotten. It's quiet now." There was a subtle change in gravity as the Anubis moved slowly towards the station. Inertial damping fields probably hadn't been adjusted in centuries.
Zhara wasn't a pilot, but she at least knew how to use a computer. And, with some help from the entity in the chair, she managed to keep from slamming into the station. At least she got them to where the station's systems could bring them in.
"There," she said, smiling at the man. "We made it. Now, I am going to bring someone here to help you with your physical needs. As long as you are here, I will be a thought away," she assured him. "I am not going to leave you alone as long as you are at Protector."
He thought back, so far back, to a time before he first heard the music. "David", he said. "You can read the books now if you want, Zhara." With a thought, he opened the storage vaults to the computer's data banks. "I hacked the locks."
"Thank you, David," she said, smiling warmly. "I would love to read the books and learn how you got here."
She walked into the vaults and sat down to begin reading.
The computer logs David referred to as books were incredible! They related a story almost beyond belief. A secret black-ops mission by Starfleet, scrubbed from all other databanks including Memory Alpha, was to determine the feasibility of marrying human thought processes to the integrated computer systems of a starship. Not merely creating an artificial intelligence, like the Daystrom M-5, but merging an actual human mind into the control systems of the dreadnaught.
They needed a special mind, one that could think like a computer while still maintaining the humanity required of a living crew. David Maynard was just such a unique mind. Classified as autistic from birth, he couldn't handle the most basic social interactions, but his thought processes were an order of magnitude more complex than any computer known to date. With his natural gift for mimicry, he could actually imitate the binary language upon which all computer communication was based. He volunteered to be hooked up to the computers of the Anubis.
The crew stayed on to help with the transition as he adapted. He was put in a sensory deprivation chamber to help him better adapt to the strange new input entering his unique mind. The medical logs indicated that the ship's surgeon was doubtful about the complex nature of the cybernetic implants which made such direct interface possible, adding that she wasn't sure if she could extricate him in case of emergency. Then the Tholians appeared. During an outward expansion into Federation space, they encountered the Anubis. David tried to communicate with them in their own language, but the mistook his attempts as hostile, opening fire. Then everything went black. the crew started to go insane. they started dying, and killing each other. Soon, David was the only one left in an entire new universe, only seen by one other human being, the famous James T. Kirk. He didn't know how to get back, and he drifted aimlessly, alone, in the dark, without even another human for company.
For almost two centuries, he endured, occasionally trying to break back into his own universe, but the Anubis wasn't powerful enough. Eventually, he forgot what normal sensory input was. He lost his identity, slowly becoming the Anubis. When he finally broke back into this universe, the input was overwhelming! He had forgotten how to filter it. Then he heard something familiar: Subspace radio traffic and computer communications, coming from somewhere close by. He hurried towards it, trying to remember how to talk. It was the Protector.
Now, here he was. He did not know what would happen to him, he did not care. He remembered what a "friend" was, and now he had one. She spoke to his mind, she calmed his fears, she made it quiet again. She was reading his books.
David (NPCd by Colonel Marcus DeSalle)
Entity on the Anubis
Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar
Executive Officer
Lieutenant Klang Morden
Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Zhara Rynn
Chief Counselor