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Introduction Post

Posted on Wed 1st Oct, 2014 @ 7:05am by Colonel Marcus DeSalle & Commander Geraldine "Geri" Severide

864 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: CO's Ready Room

"Computer, who and where is the Commanding Officer?" Geri asked the computer.

"Colonel DeSalle is in his ready room." The computer responded.

She was starting to miss the house cat already.

With a short sigh Geri made her way to the turbo lift to the Captain's ready room. There was no panting this time as she made her way to meet her CO. There was no rush, no least Q had not alerted her to one. This time, it was normal and she kind of enjoyed it that way.

She tapped the chime on the Colonel's door.

Marcus sighed after getting the report from the hangar bay. Great, he thought, another Fleetie with something to prove.

"Come," he said wearily.

Geri walked through the doors stepping gingerly across the floor crossing her left leg over her right as her non-standard high heel boots clacked on the floor. She approached the marine's desk giving him a bright smile in place of a salute as she stood before him. "Colonel, Lieutenant Geraldine Severide, transferred from the USS Vanguard." she stated.

He looked her up and down, noting that she was not only out of uniform, but had forgotten how to salute. He gestured to a chair, an indication that she could sit. "So, Lieutenant, how long have you been in the fleet?" He began.

"Ten year sir." Geri replied trying to get a read on the man. She could already sense his eyes judging upon her, he just was not as forward as the cat. She hoped that was not the only difference the two had.

"So I take it you were in the Academy before that?"

"No I included the Academy service in those numbers. Six years in the field and four in the Academy." Geri replied flatly.

He stood, slowly, beginning to ease around his side of the desk, coming to within a foot of her. "And in all that time, you never learned to SALUTE A SUPERIOR OFFICER OR REPORT FOR DUTY IN PROPER UNIFORM???" he roared.

"ATTEN-HUT!" he barked, using all his Marine command voice training. "ON YER FEET, LOO-TENNANT!

Geri calmly rose to her feet matching her gaze with her new CO's. "Sir, where I go there are no proper uniforms and there certainly isn't saluting. No disrespect Colonel but if I saluted you in the field it would be what some of us refer to as a sniper check. My job is to be a shadow not a rainbow." she said before raising her arm slowly into a salute. This reaction was more typical of a seasoned marine and one she had expected from the beginning.

"Well, you're not in the field, now, are you, cupcake? I know exactly what you used to do! And while you're in the rear with the gear, you'll behave like any other starfleet officer until you hear from ME! And don't think i'm giving you any brownie points for the whole 'calm under fire' act, either! I know what a sniper check is, sweetie, and there ain't a sniper with a bead on us within a parsec of here! You think I'm stupid, fleetie? DO YOU?' He roared. If his office wasn't soundproofed, he felt quite sure his voice would have rocke at least half the station's bulkheads.

Geri shrugged. "Lacking volume control, yes. Lacking Intelligence, time will tell sir." Geri replied smugly.

He took a full two seconds to stare at her. Fixing a withering, steely gaze upon her, he spoke, low and dangerous. "It is obvious to me that the Fleet has been soft on you. You are bordering on disrespect of your commanding officer. Your tone indicates a lack of knowledge of, and respect for, chain of command, and your last duty assignment has allowed you to forget discipline and esprit de corps. I should throw you into the brig." He paused. "But I won't. I have something better in mind for you. You will report for duty at 0300 tomorrow morning. You will fall out in full Marine Combat gear, including the regulation H-Harness, Frame, and Alice Pack. You will report to Holosuite one, and you will report to me. We're going on a little fun-run together." His gaze did not leave here eyes. "And the next time you eye-@#$% me, Lieutenant, instead of remaining at the P.O.A. with eyes front, i will take great pleasure in ripping them out and spoon-feeding them to you. You'd better be locked and cocked and squared away when next we meet, or I will make this station your own personal hell. Get out of my sight!" He executed an about face, and stayed at parade rest, silent, taking no further notice of her.

Geri smiled. Atleast this one had a backbone. His 'physical' punishment would be no worry to Geri whom took exceptional care of her body and physical conditioning. A few pounds of marine gear would be a good challenge, but nothing she couldn't handle. "I'll be there with bells on sir, just make sure your quartermaster is ready." she said sharply.


Colonel Marcus DeSalle
Starbase Protector


Lieutenant Geraldine "Geri" Severide
Chief Intelligence Officer


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