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Meet the Vertiform Exo-Comps

Posted on Tue 8th Oct, 2024 @ 7:09pm by Lieutenant JG Bikram Auden & Crewman MED-Comps Pentaptych LPN & Exo-Comp EXQT & Captain Gordon Francis & Commander Paul Graves PsyD

1,914 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: The Phoenix Gamble
Location: Francis Office
Timeline: MD2 0400


{Bikram Auden- Quarters, 0300}

Bikram had been asleep when the Director of Sector Intelligence called him. He was forced into questions of such uncomfortable nature it was appalling and offensive. A shadowy form on display asking about family issues, the Son'a and his feelings about Starfleet. Only after he proclaimed he would answer no more questions until some kind of explanation was given did the man relent.

"We need to establish your trustworthiness and read you in for a situation calling on your talents for a solution."

Bikram blinked, "Oh, well my last partner left me without telling me so we broke up after a month of no contact. I haven't spoken to her in years."

The shadow man said nothing until a small motion of his right arm indicated he was listening to someone off screen. Bikram found his curiosity growing.

"Commander Geri Severide will be in touch. Do as she says."

Bikram furrowed his brow. Any commander in Starfleet would be able to order him to do just about anything; rank wasn't a suggestion. This odd interview left him feeling uneasy, so he only replied, "Yes sir. Acknowledged."

The screen went dark, and Bikram tried what he knew to do and looked for any trace of who that was. Aside from standard authentication protocols there was no name. His heart was beating at a rapid pace, sleep wasn't an option anymore.

He checked the monitors for the Pentaptych Exo-bots he was experimenting on out of habit, each of them was in hibernation, as they should be. He also checked on the other exo-bots, which by some crazy happenstance came to live here while his research was ongoing. Befriending the quartet had taken time but had been well worth the trouble. The bots didn't know they could be monitored, and they were in motion to the Operations center. They were taking a curious route through maintenance tunnels, it was slow progress.

His padd played their text interactions usually, but it looked like an encrypted channel had been created. What secrets could exo-comps have?

An incoming message interrupted this investigation, marked by the intelligence department. Bikram swallowed, presuming this was Commander Severide.

When her face was on the display there was a moment of panic inside Bikram, but he swallowed it.

"Lieutenant Auden, I need you to report to Captain Francis' office in Operations at 0500. Bring your experimental vertiforms with you. Tell nobody of this, report to duty afterwards and do not mention one word of the meeting, understood?"

Bikram did, "Yes sir. Will do sir."

The screen went dark, and he exhaled.


{Captain Francis' Office 0355}

Geri had just welcomed the Exo-comps to the Operations center only five minutes before the others were set to arrive. They emerged from the Jefferies tube and kept low to the ground and snuck to the office as per instructions. The staff on duty were cleared from the room in the moments prior, only to return to stations with no clue why they were asked to leave. The lid, as they say, was on tight.

Captain Francis and Geri had taken their mysterious call and now executed their plans in silence. They had been working all night making preparations. She ushered the four bots inside, "Captain Francis, meet the Vertiform Exo-comps of Starbase 109."

Peggy had learned well enough how to converse, and led things off. She floated near head height her proboscis internalized to a bump making the oblong robot fairly smooth, save the landing struts.

Over a gentle audio, a warbled but pleasant mechanical voice greeted him. "Greetings Captain, we are pleased to meet with the Primary Controller."

Francis was a little disconcerted to be talking to something without a face, but nonetheless he replied, "Um, it's nice to meet you as well, Mister... er, what should I call you?"

Peggy sent query to Bikram's terminal, {([PEGGY]*[Query])-[Biological designation for male and female incongruous to mechanical life. Response unknown. Validate Male?]}

Bikram chuckled a small single laugh, replying verbally, "Peggy doesn't recognize biological distinction except where relevant to their needs and that's rarely. Though I have noticed Peggy use "she" in rare occasions for themself, it was reflection of a beloved caretaker I believe more than anything.

Banshee was trying to infiltrate the secure folders in the desk, there was an independent server with high security, it was like showing a raw steak to a dog. Nessy was unaware, having taken a sitting position just inside the door. Zombie had taken a defensive posture floating higher than anyone's head.

Peggy figured out the reply they wanted, "Thank you, I am known as Peggy. These are my siblings, we form a quaternary unit. We have anticipated a moment such as this. Payment must be made for occupation of station. We are prepared. What is amount?"

"The amount..." Captain Francis spoke slowly, "...for occupation... are you asking me what the rent is?"

Francis looked up at Bikram. "Lieutenant, what in blazes in going on here? Who does she--or whatever--think I am?"

Bikram laughed, "No clue sir. These bots have more runtime than some Starships and their social knowledge is incredible. I think they're trying to be predictive."

Geri didn't find it as funny, "I was told they were able crew for the Antero. Can you determine that, or are they a parlor trick?"

The Baku resumed a serious stance, "Yes, please stand by."

He typed in the query, Peggy received it.

Peggy went to a full volume, pleasantly Human, definitely synthetic. "We served on the Antero in lieu of pay for a term. Renegotiation and allocation of equitable divisions to the payout hierarchies occurred once value was demonstrated."

Nessy contributed, floating nearby, "And we paid rent!"

Captain Francis was no expert on Artificial Intelligence, but it was occurring to him that erasing these bots' memory might be a violation of AI rights, if Starfleet decided these Exo-Comps were indeed intelligent. Hating the very question, he decided to run with the situation for now.

"Well Peggy," Francis said, once again speaking slowly, "how... no. What... er..." He had to think a little more. "I'm afraid I can't monetize your services until I know what you and your 'siblings' have to offer, and what you and they want in return." He smiled then. "It's what we call negotiation."

Peggy accessed the memory of social interactions, finding all she could in a fraction of a second on the topic. Peggy concluded both sides of a negotiation wanted something, and their partner in trade had it. There was a need for more information, and Nessy took the lead, generating their "Personage" holoform. The spectral entity was female, just under two meters tall, boxy with light complexion and a born haired ponytail. Zombie loved the pony tail and would get upset at any iteration of the hologram which dint have dangling or external parts.

Nessy hovered at chest height broadcasting the avatar in front of all of them.

"We understand better. The purpose of your call was not to open negotiation but to ask us for a service or to provide information. What is your request? Then we may open negotiations."

Geri looked to Captain Francis for permission to proceed or if he was going to continue his charming engagement.

Francis smiled politely. "I need you to assist in repairs and refit of a ship docking on the base in the next two hours," Francis said. "Commander Severide has further information."

Peggy dipped a little, a cue to inform them of polite conversation and receiving the message and the holo-avatar spoke, "We are capable of assistance in this regard. Standard rates for Federation contractor would apply, along with a bonus structure for exceeding specifications without error.

Francis went over to his desk and brought up two cups of coffee. He put one of the cups on his desk, and handed the other to Bikram while Geri gave her briefing. Gordon and Geri had been at work all night, and it looked like Bikram hadn't caught much sleep either, having awakened less than an hour ago.

Bikram didnt know what was in the cup, his human experiences were limited but he did know they drank toffee. His memory though also recalled that as a sugary treat, but the hot black liquid in the cup didnt smell sweet. He pursed lips to mug , thanking the Captain for his courtesy before spitting the coffee right back out.

Geri blinked, the majority of it landing on her tunic. They locked eyes, Geri gritting her teeth and replying, "If you need sugar, Sugar... Just say so."

Mortified Bikram set the mug down and moved to use his uniform sleeve to wipe her chest, but Geri put that near indignity to rest before it happened by grabbing his arm.

Banshee, unbeknownst to the others in the room due to the scene had dropped out of view and began approaching the table with the mug. Peggy continued on describing the rates of the average dockworker and how their work surpasses it and outlining the percentages by which qualifications and payouts would occur over a tiered award structure has been established.

Francis put his face in the palm of his right hand, closing his eyes and wincing for a moment. He looked up at Peggy.

"How good are you at getting out coffee stains?" he interrupted, pointing to his sleeve, which had caught some of the spewage. Francis shook his head. "Don't answer that. Look, I think I may have some good use for you." He looked down at Banshee, "All of you. Do you mind if I talk to Mr. Bikram for a moment?"

Peggy stopped the litany of negotiation and the others reformed to gather a floating quad.

Bikram stammered, “It seemed poisonous Im sorry to… please don’t, I just wasn’t ready for it sir.”

"Fine, Lieutenant," Francis said, sounding surprisingly calm. "I wanted to talk to you about the Exo-Comps. They seem useful enough, but a little independent. How much experience have you had with them, and how reliable do you believe them to be?"

Bikram was at least in his element discussing these bots. “Oof they are independent all right. Sentience in synthetic life isn’t easy to understand, but they are literally programmed whereas we have programming which emerges organically. They are as trustworthy as we are, but need to be guided. As far as reliability, my expertise is in the manufactured vertiform bots similar to these in the medical suite. I raised them from a single transistor, trained them and now they perform complex surgeries in dangerous environments. I would say they are as reliable as any officer as well, provided they have a clear understanding of what’s being asked of them.”

"Alright, Lieutenant, they have my approval," Francis said. "But I'm holding you accountable for them. The slightest bit of trouble and it's your keister on the line. You get me?" Francis was aware that, by giving his approval, it would be his own "keister," but he took advantage of Bikram's nervousness thinking it would be enough inspiration to keep the Exo-Comps in line. Bikram seemed a competent officer to Francis, coffee stained uniform notwithstanding.

“Aye sir!” It was a big moment, official approval and acceptance of these exo comps had been a passion for many years.

“I cant wait to publish the papers these guys will inspire. I will gladly work as their caretaker, what is the job?



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