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Sat 8th Mar, 2025 @ 5:43pm

Captain Gordon Francis

Name Gordon Elijah Francis

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 62

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 130 lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Francis is rather short in stature, but built well with a strong, commanding presence. He's rather old fashioned in some ways. Being allergic to Retinax, he prefers to wear glasses. He is not hiding the fact he's going bald. He has a rather big round nose that effectively goes with fierce eyes. His voice is as soft and subtle as a brick wall, but he can be nice. All in all, the man is very healthy for his age and refuses to be told he's past his prime.


Spouse Emily-Rose “Emmy” Francis (62) (divorced)
Children Richard Francis (34)

Alana Francis (31)

Hannah Valatore (28)

Joseph Francis (22)
Father George (deceased)
Mother Jennifer (deceased)
Brother(s) Benjamin Francis (60)
Sister(s) Larisa Stark (58)
Other Family Grandchildren:

Scott Francis (10, Richard's son)

Olive Francis (8, Richard's daughter)

Jessica Valatore (1, Hannah's daughter)

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths- calm under pressure, natural leadership skills, a great sense of humor

Weaknesses- his troubled past, short in stature
Ambitions First and foremost, Francis wishes to clear his name, to the Federation, his children and grandchildren, his ex-wife, and ultimately himself.
Hobbies & Interests Avid reader/writer of fiction, poetry, and songs; plays Chess; very good with animals; likes many different kinds of sports, and his favorite is boxing; plays the banjo pretty well when the opportunity arises.

Personal History Gordon Elijah Francis was born and raised on a farm near Kansas City, Missouri. His early life was spent doing chores, doing more chores, and playing Chess with his younger siblings. Early in life, his dream was to be a published writer. He started writing when he was old enough to read a sentence and use a pencil. He would write all kinds of stories and pass them around to friends, family, and anyone else within arm's length. He wrote a full-size novel when he was thirteen, just to see if he could. While his friends enjoyed the book, Francis was highly disappointed with it, and found his interest in the field quickly dying. Maybe, he thought, it's time to do something else. Starfleet held the most interest.

Gordon Francis is the only member of his family to join Starfleet. His father George had dreamed of it when he was Gordon' age, but couldn't be pulled away from the family farm. Gordon knew that he had no place in the farm life.

Gordon was eighteen when he donned the cadet uniform, excited, scared, and completely unprepared. Four years later, he graduated from Starfleet Academy co-valedictorian.

During Gordon's final year at the Academy, he met and fell in love with a cadet named Emily-Rose. She was studying to be a Science officer while he was in Intelligence. Emily-Rose was more into music, while Gordon was more into the written word. Neither of them could carry a tune well, but they both found joy in writing songs. They were married after graduation, and afterward they served on the USS Saint Clair, USS Umbriel, and the USS Sycamore. During that time, they had four children, two boys and two girls.

Emily-Rose was the only person in his life who saw the wonderfully compassionate man he could be. This changed when he became a father. Gordon's father had been a farmer his whole life. It was a demanding life, one where there was no time for heart-to-hearts or discussing anything beyond work. Perhaps that was why Gordon stopped being that warm fuzzy the second his first child Richard was born. It continued with their next two children, Alana and Hannah. He did not notice when his first three children began to distance themselves, possibly because he'd never felt close to his own father. This didn't bode well with his marriage, either. By the time their youngest, Joseph, was born they were already on the rocks. Joseph had not been expected, being the result of a passionate apology.

At the age of eight, Joseph began to hear voices, and he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. It broke Gordon's heart. He'd been the unexpected blessing, and Gordon only ever wanted to see him as perfect. He refused to tolerate Joseph's manic and irrational behavior, and was unfairly strict with him. He never acknowledged Joseph's illness. In many ways, this made him not acknowledge Joseph at all. This led to fights with his wife, some in front of their children. With the exception of his second daughter Hannah, his children began to distance themselves. By their twenties, only Hannah would talk to him.

Of course, his marriage took the biggest hit. Emily-Rose was outraged by Gordon's actions toward Joseph and the toxic behavior he displayed in front of the other children. She did her best to try to get her husband into couple's therapy, but Gordon was adamantly against it. After a painful and emotional year trying to tolerate the toxic living environment, Emily-Rose filed for divorce. It was painful for all of them. Even Gordon. It was a wake-up call to him. Up until then it was pride and pride alone he cared about. With great reluctance, he finally sought therapy.

After the divorce, Francis buried himself in work. He began working toward getting his own starship command. He was eager to start a new chapter; one that would lead to his redemption as a father, and if possible a husband as well. He was assigned to the USS Maryland as their Executive Officer, and after a few years he got his first command, the newly-christened USS Timothy Dalton, a Defiant-Class starship charged with the sole purpose of finding intel for Starfleet that [this part has been deleted by Intelligence]. It was the command Gordon Francis was born to take, and after ten years as Captain, his outlook on life greatly changed, and his eagerness to learn and laugh began to come back. He was rejuvenated as a person and officer.

He accepted promotion to Admiral and was reassigned to [It can neither be confirmed or denied that he was, in fact, assigned to Intelligence's division of internal affairs. There is also no complete file on the events leading to a court-martial—which was dismissed—and a forced demotion back to Captain]

Another reason he accepted the post at SB-109 is because it is the closest starbase to his daughter Hannah, who gave birth to her daughter Jessica two weeks before Captain Francis took his new command. [Rumors of Hannah's dealings with the planet Delavi and/or its natives cannot be confirmed or denied at this time]

Jessica's birth marked the first time in over a decade that the Francis family had all been in the same room with each other. It was also the first time Gordon met his other two grandchildren, Richard's son and daughter. The week was bittersweet. While connecting with his older grandchildren had gone very well, reconnecting with his children proved much harder. Hannah had been the only one who had stayed in touch after the divorce.

Gordon talked a little with Richard, mostly about Richard's kids. Richard did make a remark about learning from Gordon's mistakes, which Gordon didn't exactly know how to take. [Richard's wife's current whereabouts cannot be confirmed as known or unknown]

Gordon and Alana spoke only twice, and for the most part in passing. [re: time travel – it cannot be confirmed nor denied Alana has had any involvement with any time agents and/or their feline counterparts]

Joseph never acknowledged his father. Gordon understood, but it hurt all the same. [Joseph's conspiracy theories regarding his father have been dismissed by his former publisher as the psychotic ramblings of a schizophrenic, despite any possible accuracy that may or may not exist]

Gordon talked the most with Emily-Rose. The two were very civil and polite to each other, even when the children weren't around. They skirted any reminiscing, speaking of their careers and current events. As they both departed, Emily-Rose did give Gordon a smile when he told her it was nice to see her again. She didn't say anything in response, other than “goodbye.” [It is confirmed that Emily-Rose does not have any involvement with any parties or events currently being confirmed or denied or hitherto not currently being confirmed or denied by any party including or not including Starfleet as a whole. Obviously, she is not a golfer.]

Gordon is now entering the last stretch of his prime, and he intends to reconnect with that compassion, awe, and fear of discovery he had when setting out to write his first novel. He realizes now his biggest mistake was never writing a second. He knows that regardless, he still would have joined Starfleet, married Emily-Rose, had his children and grandchildren, and everything else that came with that. Would those things had been better had he kept even a sliver of childish awe? Gordon doesn't care. He's got it back, and Starbase 109 will be his most exciting chapter yet.

Any other motivations for his assignment at Starbase 109 can neither be confirmed nor denied by Starfleet Intelligence... especially any prior mention of attempted genocide or the breaking of the prime directive, either of which may or may not have happened. Section 31's involvement cannot be confirmed at this time.
Service Record Intelligence Officer, USS Saint Clair
Intelligence Officer, USS Umbriel
Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Sycamore
Executive Officer, USS Maryland
Commanding Officer, USS Timothy Dalton
[POSITION CLASSIFIED], Starfleet Intelligence
Commanding Officer, Starbase 109 (current)