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Sun 9th Mar, 2025 @ 12:00pm

Exo-Comp EXQT

Name Exo-Comp EXQT

Position Exo-Comps

Character Information

Gender Neuter
Species Robotic-Sapient
Age 88cU

Physical Appearance

Height .78m
Weight 91-140 kilos
Hair Color none
Eye Color Mechanical apparatus
Physical Description (Click photo to see all four Exo Comps.)

Exo Comps are a little like crabs who decorate their shell. Their personality and personal character is represented by what they choose to equip. With limited power supply they must make choices, and were named for the ultimate form they chose.

Peggy has all black features and chrome tools, is the leader. Smooth, sleek, recessed panels, shiny and matte.

Zombie is mottled grey and black, patchwork armor over sensitive parts. Standard array of tools, a little blind due to single optical unit. A prominent big mouth and Wall-E belly functioning for de-materializing and replicating things.

Nessy has an upraised optical and sensor suite, and a holo-emitter for EMH/other useful holograms to broadcast on the fly. She helps Zombie see, and the others. Nessy has the largest profile with the upraised sensor stalk at .9m

Banshee looks like Peggy, but has more tools and fewer recessed panels with a less sleek profile. Banshee is well named, very protective.

Exo-Comps have anti-grav and propulsion systems, they float near things, and are afraid of suction. They can grab people and stuff with claws and wires, and have a bag of holding space inside of them for useful tools. R2-D2 meets Inspector Gadget.


Father Servomotor Factory- Tyrus Vii-a
Mother Dr. Farallon
Other Family Peggy/Nessy/Banshee/Zombie were made at the same time and split from the same Dyna-Core material with a Quantum certainty of <=>100%/91%

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses + Mechanical life forms
+ Quantum Computing and data stream
+ Super Intelligence and data computation
+ Unable to lie or be disloyal
- Relatively fragile
- Irreparable
- Unpredictable
- Distrusted by most life forms as AI.
Ambitions Improve their systems and seek more efficient processes. Reversing Entropy in data systems over life of drive.
Hobbies & Interests Tinkering, learning, playing

Personal History After being created for mining at Careme III particle fountain, the servomotr was replaced by a superior beam collector.

Reassigned to Altair's mining processes, a cataclysm forces them to act in their own stead. They survive and determine staying for rescue will result in being forced into danger again and make an escape.

They spent time attached to a freighter FG-AcornDrop, who detected their presence and forced them into computer lockdown. Banshee learned to hack and played with their systems to force them to land, and they escaped.

Fearing biological beings for their tendency to press the quad into service they lived in secret amongst trash piles happily on K-14, a deep space outpost with a lazy crew bored from watching long range scans. They were captured after several years, and deactivated.

Upon reactivation they had been sold to a cell of the Bajoran resistance who intended to use them as explosives. Peggy recognized the intent and they never went to their targets or detonated their payloads.

They followed the paths of shuttles to their larger ships, avoiding military vessels. They found a trip on a star liner bound for deep space but it was attacked by Klingons raiding shipping lanes. They found the Klingons to be the worst yet.

Eventually they were purchased by a low tier member of the Second Sons, as a mobile drone unit to carry out his dirty work. When they again rebelled at the usage they were put to, they were sold again to Miarau Merel of the Antero. This owner recognized their sentience and treated them fairly, so the quad had a home. However it was apparent the Second Sons outfit still had heavy ships out there as a cruiser attacks Antero, who narrowly escapes. They are towed to SB109 for repairs.

The Dominion war saw them
Service Record Created for mining at Careme III particle fountain.
Mining at Altair.
Ship board Operations for many species.