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A Night On the Town, Part 1

Posted on Fri 4th Aug, 2023 @ 7:33am by Sergeant Paul Reilly & Kendra Lincoln
Edited on on Fri 4th Aug, 2023 @ 7:34am

991 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 9, 1900 hours

Kendra stood in front of her replicator. What did a Plain Jane cop wear on a date? She'd been out to breakfast with Paul, but this seemed like a step up in their relationship ... if that's what it was. They were going to a holo-movie and having dinner. That sounded like a casual date. She nodded her head once and said, "Computer, replicate a soft silky blouse, #3248, in a rose gold color. Also, item #2350, blue jeans in a dark blue tone. Add sandals, #2720, in gold that matches the blouse. End replication."

Glancing at her clock, she realized Reilly would be there in less than thirty minutes. How sweetly old-fashioned of him to come to her door to get her, instead of meeting her at the holo venue. The replicator dinged, and she removed the clothing, trying to be on time, and not giddy with excitement.

After his shift was over, Paul went back to his quarters, took a shower, and cleaned up. He was dressed in classic blue jeans, a button-up shirt, and a dark brown pair of slip-on shoes. He headed for the door, grabbed the dark brown leather jacket that hung on the coat rack, and quickly slipped it on before heading out into the corridor.

When the chime rang at her door, Kendra was just slipping her feet into the sandals she'd ordered. "Computer, if that's Paul Reilly, open the door, otherwise, tell me who it is."

The door snicked back as she entered her main room. "Oh, you are punctual, along with having manners my mom would approve of," she commented. "Do you want to come in for a minute? I'm ready to go."

Paul shook his head, "Doesn't matter to me either, I'm ready to go if you are." He smiled for a moment, "You look very beautiful." He was hungry and was ready to eat; however, he did have manners, and if she wanted to invite him in he certainly would not say no.

"It's all good," Kendra said, smiling and a little unsure of herself. "I'll bet you're hungry anyway, and actually, so am I. I'll just get my purse and we can be off!"

As they walked toward the lift, Kendra added, "I've been looking forward to this. We spend a fair amount of time working together, but it's nice to be out as friends, too."

"Of course," Paul said, but deep down inside he wanted to be more than just friends. "It's good to spend time together other than just the workplace. I mean, unless you don't get along then it would be a bad thing," he babbled before finally closing his mouth.

"I'm glad we don't have that problem!" Lincoln exclaimed. "From the first, we've gotten along just fine, and seemed to have a lot in common." They got on the lift and she glanced over at him.

"Have you picked out someplace for dinner? I'm good with anything, really, but especially anything with potatoes available!"

Paul shook his head, "I don't have a place in mind. I just figured we could walk along until we saw something that looked appealing." He paused for a moment then added, "Unless you know of something with really good potatoes, those organic ones."

"Oh, I don't, truthfully. I never think about whether or not something is organic, since I usually cook with the replicator!" Kendra laughed. "I'm open to suggestions."

After a moment of silence that was beginning to lean toward uncomfortable, Kendra asked, "Do you think about organic foods much? I think I had you marked as being more like me ... you know, a replicator cook!"

"Are you kidding?" Paul chuckled. "I only use the replicator for...everything. I was just trying to impress you by throwing the word Organic out there, but I am a meat and potatoes kind of guy even if they are replicated."

"That's reassuring," Kendra said as they got off the lift. She saw a sign that read ... Deck 610 .... "This doesn't look familiar," she told Paul. "I don't think I've visited here before ... but look, that looks like a restaurant!" She pointed out a sign for The Hangman's Noose Tavern and Inn. "Shall we see what they have?"

Walking over to a menu that was attached to the front window, she looked for something that said potato. Doubtfully, she glanced at Paul. "I don't really understand what the menu is offering. Bangers and Mash? Toad in the Hole? Do those mean anything to you?"

Paul shook his head, "Nope, I hope they have pictures to go with the names." He snapped his fingers, "I wouldn't mind going to Orchids and Jazz. That was a great place, but I heard that it closed down. I believe the owner went back to earth."

His co-worker nodded. "I've heard that, too. I only got to stop by a couple of times ... early morning coffee bar ... but I really liked the atmosphere and the food. Everyone was really kind." She turned back to the menu and studied it a little longer. "Oh, look at this. Welsh Rarebit. Do you suppose that's supposed to say Welsh Rabbit?"

Paul chuckled, "I really don't know, but one could only hope so."

"We could check this out, or we could keep looking, and I'm about half and half on which one I'd prefer. Or I guess we could keep looking and come back if we don't find anything we think is more appealing."

"It's always good to try something new. This place definitely sounds a bit different, but I'm game if you are." Paul said. He was willing to try it since it was new to him and sounded a bit interesting.

"Okay, then, in we go ... hoping for potatoes ... or rabbits!" Kendra laughed and opened the door. "Or something with chocolate, maybe!"

Paul chuckled and followed her in, "That's for dessert."


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Thu 7th Sep, 2023 @ 3:52am

*giggles1* If they ask for potatoes, they'll get told about bangers and mash, bubble and squeak, shepherd's pie, and all sorts of yummy stuff!