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The Whale Rail

Posted on Thu 3rd Aug, 2023 @ 5:35pm by Ensign Amatoska ‘Aloaa XL
Edited on on Thu 3rd Aug, 2023 @ 5:38pm

1,980 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine
Location: SB109
Timeline: MD16 2300


{CS-Alameda Rose- Freighter inbound to SB109}

The Triangle was far from the core of the Federation, and Starbase 109 was very much a “Frontier Town.” Starfleet needed to send a transport filled with crew to populate its newest features, a pressurized Aquatic environment. As they had only a handful of starships equipped for large numbers of Aquatic life forms many of the inbound Aquaphiles came in on converted cargo haulers. Starfleet appreciated the expediency by providing unmatched patronage for research and to most the impetus to get there sooner than later was enough to take the rockiest paths.

Amatoska hated the way most starships resorted to a pressurized bubble and vortices as it meant one could never truly find still waters. Even in the sleeping berths, a gentle ebb and flow was constantly refreshing colder waters and breaking the membrane of heat cocooning the sleeping Ensign. Humans apparently enjoyed a slight breeze, the sensation of which was as a desert wind to the aqueous pores of his mottled skin. Three days at low warp, because the other species sharing the space had lower tolerances meant everyone had been swimming in circles and tying off to lamp posts for too long.

A few others were sleeping, the right idea to pass the time. He noted how the Delphines needed that air bubble in their sleep to boot, so they were strapped in. Medically induced heavy sleep meant most of their day was spent dreaming, Amatoska didn’t dare wake them. The large squid pulsed with impatient stirring whips of his trailing tentacles, contemplating any activity to take his mind off the long wait. The monitors were dark and quiet, since it was one space, sound carried quite well, light disturbed the sleepers. Sport was too noisy and there was no holodeck or fitness center they could use.

A light inside the cutaway access to the anteroom chamber piqued his single large eye. A face in the faraway window revealed the quasi sea horse visage of an Antedean. There were only two on board, it was no trouble to know who it was.

Sklkl and Dgyt were a mated Antedean pair, scientists attending a symposium at 109 for an upcoming project. They had arrived in stasis but found at low warp and in this natural environment they could remain awake. Regrets on that front had lead to bitter acrimony. Fgyt was gone for a "long swim" but given the cargo bay was only as large as the warehouse which loaded it there was no escaping the scornful gaze. The converted gas hauler- now a modular extension to add volume to the capacity of the vessel was attached to the cargo pod and offered more space.

Even with molecular tools scraping and cleaning, the remnants of Deuterium residue made a stench which turned their stomachs. Toola, the matriarch of the Kelpian family had to ask them to bring her food outside of the dining hall.

Fgyt made that trade willingly to find solace and found a separation to have a chance to respirate.

^Dgyt! Good to see you!^ Amatoska called out, entering the deviated turn about valve to enter the olfactory nightmare that was their Kitchen, Medico, and "restrooms".

The Antedean male with prominent ridge spines had relaxed its contained form and opened into a more expansive form with flaps unfurling allowing for micro adjustments against the water. Amatoska knew they had been experiencing mobility issues given the same stresses he was laboring under. The arguments with his mate were just a long trip far overdue for an ending.

^How do you stand these fumes?^ Amatoska was drifting behind Dgyt and slowly moving across the large field of vision. Dgyt finally looked, two massive black eyes focused on one singular yellow iris. The red squid was twice the size of the Antedean, a bipedal ichthyoid of only 102 Kg, covered in razor sharp spines recessed under chitinous plates.

^I have lived in worse, my academy years were spent in volcanic vents, and its not so bad.^ Dgyt felt a drop in energy as he said it, slumping in posture and no longer fighting so hard to maintain position.

^Sklkl does not agree!^

Dgyt laughed, he was easily a hundred years more than Amatoska by galactic measure, the squid had become everyone's friend in such a short time with such youthful enthusiasm.

^You seem to thrive here.^ It was an accusation as much as an observation, Dgyt envied Amatoska’s natural charisma.

^Well, thrive is a strong word sir, Starfleet put me through my paces, my reward is no longer experiencing aphasia or seizures while at warp speeds but I still find myself dreaming of the lava tubes I spent my spawn-period exploring. It is worth every bit of discomfort to walk amongst them as well.^

Dgyt took in the sight of the Ensign, estimating three meters or just shy tip to tip, ^How? A compression suit?^

^A massive one, not at all practical for the crew but I was able to fly with antigravity as we swim now. The technology is coming along, but I do require large spaces. Turbo lifts are simply out of the question as well.^

Dgyt laughed again, the somber mood broken. before anything else could be said the chime for an announcement sounded. Without proper speakers for the medium, it could be hard to hear the message, the comms station in the gas chamber quarters was the ideal spot. It took only seconds for the nearly two dozen other passengers to swim in, eager to hear news.

"We are out of Delphic Nebula, increasing speeds to get you there a little sooner. Docs sent meds for you all in case you need them, transporting them in now, we can cut speed if you really want to let me know."

Eyes and organs detected everything for a moment to hear if anyone dared raise a problem. They had all had enough apparently and nobody objected.

"Ok then, try to sleep as much as you can meds should help. ETA to SB109 is just about 26 hours." Their console updated, and the tracker revealed their new speeds and routes. Both of the Antedeans were about to have a rough ride. Even with "Acclimation to Various Fields" training the change in orientations and draw on gravity made his stomachs uneasy. Anti-Nausea meds were among the ones in the med supplies.

The case had ampules ready for the hypospray, and Amatoska grabbed enough for everyone, leaving the spares in the case. As the two Antedeans started to vomit everything from the last week, Amatoska grabbed the rest.

{CS-Alameda Rose- Freighter inbound to SB109}

-25.9 hours later-

Food was out of the question, though they all bordered on delirious from medicine on empty stomachs. Starfleet simply didn’t have an Water-Tight vessel able to retrieve them in a timely manner. The refit of this gas hauler had been thought of as a novel solution to get them all there in a week rather than several months. Now even the formidable Amatoska had lost the vim and vigor to strut and settled into his alcove to pass the time in a self induced trance.

The shuddering transition from warp to impulse announced they had just entered the gravity well of the host Star System Napenthe (?) and slowed to impulse. The pressures exerted on sensitive organs relieved and anything in water felt immediate relief. Amatoska had only allowed himself to sleep in a superficial trance to be ready for any emergency and was truly tired. The discomfort of the last day had drained his usually ebullient spirit and the remaining vigor within him was apportioned to the tasks of disembarkations and billeting.

The odd sounding warble translated through the waters from the speaker and console stations,

“SB109 has confirmed ports, docking in two minutes. Long ride everyone, thank you for keeping it down and making it quick. If you need transport in the future I can re-rig this bird any time. Should have you out in about five, sit tight.

A disembodied voice from the air bubble up in the command deck was all theyd ever know. The face was a mystery, but he had been the voice of their collective miseries up until now. Perhaps anonymity was a defensive measure.

A different voice carried from the depths, one Amatoska similarly enjoyed and dreaded.


Another of his kind, as Starfleet grouped species for logistical reasons, Fiejago emerged from the darker depths of his own Demi-cave. Only centimeters in difference between them really, they both spanned over nine meters and neither cared much to measure. Fiejago was however bombastic and loud, having worked with engines and hydro structures a loud voice was just what developed over time.

^A FINE JOURNEY, MY THANKS TO YOU!^ Fiejago noticed the wince from Amatoska, and realized his Voder was at full. Adjusting the dial to eighty percent of intake meant a loud but more normal tone. Lower, and the undertones and valleys in pitches would be erased entirely. Compression of the loud voice often lead to a mechanical and unpleasant sound as well, so his friends often wrote a handshake protocol for proximity and adjusted their own volumes as well.

^You look well Fiejago.^

The lack of motor control in the trailing appendages told the talk as much as the sallow eye sunken too deep to be healthy. Amatoska looked exhausted so he offered to his friend, ^I can take on the departure duties, if you prefer a moment to rest?^

The temptation was real, but Fiejago wasn’t trained for protocol, he was an engineer. As safe as this process was likely to be, any dereliction of duty and subsequent errors were still his responsibility.

^My watch will end soon enough, there are private quarters waiting for us I plan to enjoy.^

^You’ve been on since the conversion, twice as long as anyone. See that you eat well and sleep long.^

Amatoska had been given the orders to oversee the mission to retrieve the hundreds of scientists and aquatic life forms who lived in the fringes. Converting a gas hauler had been the idea behind a long trip acting as a bus for lifeforms looping back and around to end at SB109. Fiejago had come aboard after a third of the trip had Elapsed to ensure the trip to Xindi outposts went well. The loud cephlapoid had brought a spirit to the ship, which had been a somber affair, as people silently endured.

^I will, and if you want to help, can you make sure their all awake?^

A smile in the form of his two primary grasping tentacles curling involuntarily gave Amatoska a slight joy.


With a rounded grace and flash of motion Fiejago bolted towards the bunk rows. Echoing from the chamber walls a cadence song they both drilled to in their academy days rebounded.


{SB109- Modified Docking Port- A1}

Ensign Mali had expected the aquatic life forms to be varied and wondrous, but she had not emotionally prepared herself for two colossal squids gripping the airlock and assisting their other passengers through.

“Ensign, eyes on your work!”

Mali knew she was caught staring and Janson had the grace to leave it at that once she looked back at her console. However the Squid heard that as wells and a gigantic yellow eye turned towards the junior Lieutenant.

=/\= Ensign Amatoska here, sir, Do you require my attention or merely crave it? Ha!

Janson was now staring, and Mali took delight in a gentle cough to stir him.

“As you were Mali, my apologies.”



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