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Competition or Collaboration? Part 1

Posted on Sun 5th Mar, 2023 @ 6:59am by Criswell Sandbags & Qaraq

1,245 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine
Location: Qaraq's
Timeline: MD 7, 2130

Jade Lantz had promised a visit to Qaraq's, and she finally found a break in her work routines that would accommodate the time required to both enjoy a visit and learn a few things about his game room. Putting Orchids & Jazz in the capable hands of her assistant, Serena Alia, she left with Daneel Olivaw, who wouldn't hear of her going into Brown Sector unescorted.

"It isn't that I don't think you can protect yourself. You probably can," he told her confidently. "It isn't even that I think there's a particular danger to you or anyone among those mostly gentle people."

Smiling at his somewhat formal and antiquated phrasing, she took his elbow as they walked toward the nearest turbolift and shuttle entrance that would speed them toward their destination. "Oh no?" she asked. "Then what is it?"

"It's that ... even in our modern times, I don't feel comfortable having you walk alone and unescorted anywhere, especially during the evening hours, and especially to a gaming hell," he said earnestly.

"Gaming hell?" Jade laughed. "I don't think I've ever heard that term for a casino!"

He nodded at her as they drew to a stop to wait for the lift. "It's ... outdated perhaps, but it suits the situation. It comes from something called the Regency period and I'm not fully read up on that, but it seems like describing one as a place of games of chance ... one called Hazard actually was popular ... is accurate, and so is the term "hell" if one is losing one's shirt."

As they stepped on the large lift with a number of other people, Lantz laughed again. "You are ever an astounding marvel and wonder, Daneel. Your mind wanders in such interesting twists and turns. Very well, let us go to the gambling hell and see what we see."

Nodding his satisfaction, Daneel stood straight and tall in a dark collarless suit with a white front-tucked shirt, next to the graceful woman dressed in a lavender floor-length gown with a dark purple orchid embroidered in a swoosh across the bottom of the full skirt. People who patronized Orchids & Jazz would recognize it as almost a uniform for her. The color varied a little, but the style and the orchid were constants.

Sometime later, two tram rides with another turbolift in between, and Jade and Daneel stepped off the last tram in the Brown Sector station, walking toward the well-lit business area. A two-story building, well lit still, but softer, dimmer lighting, appeared to be their destination. A purple lighted sign read, "Qaraq's Game Room, Bar and Restaurant", and under that, a longer second line read, "Home of the KORFMAGER - Gambling, Video Games, Billards, and MORE!"

"I suppose that fits your description, Daneel?" Jade said, stopping to read the large sign overhead. "Look, though, he's put other smaller signs that define who can play. 'No children allowed in casino', 'Children must be accompanied by an adult to visit upper-level arcade', and for everyone, 'Play responsibly.' I wonder exactly how far he pushes that idea."

"I didn't have a chance to talk with him myself, or listen when you were speaking together, but he seems rather logical as biologicals go, so perhaps more responsible, as well. I'm sure you'll figure him out. You figure everyone out." He smiled down at her, an expression he'd picked up from being around her.

Jade just shook her head, and began to walk again, tugging slightly on his arm to encourage him to follow. "Well, maybe in time. I'm interested in seeing what he's done with this space. It isn't exactly like Hunt's in Tivoli Gardens, but it seems clean and spacious enough ... and safe enough, as well. Let's go in and look around before finding Qaraq. I'd like to get a feeling for his place. You use your senses, also, and see what you see. We'll compare notes later."

As they approached the entrance, the Zodiac was off to their right, with all it's shops, restaurants and apartments of various sizes and requiring a variety of means. One day, Jade would explore that, as well, but tonight was for Qaraq and his place.

Daneel felt the cool breeze from inside the game room, wafting out through the doors which stayed open. No doubt there was some kind of membrane to keep too much air from escaping, while still allowing enough to entice customers into the inner rooms. The two from Orchids & Jazz entered, and meandered through the crowds. There was elbow room, though it was busy, even this time of night.

There was a non-obtrusive music track going on in the background, and gamblers and dealers doing their games under individual spotlights. Overhead monitors showed various sporting events, and the ceiling and walls were animated with interactive artwork made by Purulence Addams. Surprisingly, there wasn't much in the way of bouncers or security, but with Criswell being a master of the art of blending in it was possible the hired security would disappear into the woodwork as well. Having big muscled guys peeking over the shoulders of the gamblers would do more to raise anxiety, and Qaraq no doubt wanted as much comfort for his gamblers as possible.

A fit of shouting came up nearby, over toward the bar. Someone threw a fist at another and the two grappled and tumbled to the ground. They continued their tussle for quite some time, even though they were fighting right in front of Qaraq, who appeared more amused than worried. Finally, Qaraq grabbed one of the guys with one hand and threw him away from the other. The giant Broot waved a finger at the bleeding man still on the ground, the one who'd fired the first punch.

"I believe you made your point!" Qaraq rumbled loudly. "Now accept your defeat and buy this man an ale."

The man on the ground sat up, out of breath, and put his hands up in resignation. "S-sure, Mr. Qaraq," he said with a breathless stammer. "Whatever you say." Qaraq helped the man up and eased him into a bar stool, his assailant had already made it to the bar.

Qaraq went behind the bar again and poured fresh Korfmagers for the two adversaries. As he set the pint mugs down he saw Jade and her unfamiliar-looking friend. "Jade!" he exclaimed. "Welcome to my casino. Please, come have a seat!"

Glancing at Daneel, and regretting the loss of her chance to look around before Qaraq realized she was visiting, Lantz walked over to the bar and took a seat a few down from the men who'd been fighting on the floor. This was certainly different from Orchids & Jazz, but that didn't make it bad. Daneel took the seat next to his boss, separating her further from the men who were now happily drinking together.

"How are you Qaraq?" Jade asked, smiling at him. "Is it always this exciting here?"

Qaraq erupted in a jolly laugh. "If I had my way, it'd be more exciting! Back on Delavi a good singsong and a scrap happened four or five times a night! But everything always works out as long as the ale keeps flowing. Quite a different environment than I suspect you're used to. You needn't worry about the games. I don't tolerate fighting at the tables, and I expect all games to be fair. Broot casinos never have a house advantage. It is seen as cowardly."


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