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New product placement.

Posted on Mon 6th Mar, 2023 @ 9:23am by Lieutenant Alexia Redding

838 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine
Location: Veruna Spa
Timeline: MD 3: 2200

The new season of signature scent materials going on to the shelves in the lobby where people would sit to await their appointments, or would stand to pay for their services. Alexia smiled at the display, and then settled the last season on a smaller display, so that if people wanted to they could buy the older scents. She rotated them, with the changing of the seasons on earth in a quarterly pattern. The previous seasons being displayed for a month afterward. Once that was done- or she was sold out she could special order them for others. Alexia and Jaryl did brisk business in their signature scents, and she was working on formulations to be appealing for more races than just human.

Certain species were easy to cater to. Others were not, and she was vying to be the place where everyone could go and find something that appealed to them. She even had a mud bath on the back of the black stone trail. It only took a trickle of water to get the mud to the consistency that it needed to be. There were soaking tubs of all sorts of things now, from mud to ice to coffee and salt water of various strengths. Her thoughts were wandering again and she needed to finish the displays before the next day.

A glass stand with gilded edges stood on the receptionists desk. It was open so that Alexia could work. "Ahhh." she murmerred as the scent of peppermint reached her nose, and the softer vanilla scent softened the sharpness of the mint. She'd set up scent bubbles when she went live with this display to keep the scents from mingling with each other and creating a miasma of competitive scents where no-one could differentiate what they liked.

Alexia silently praised Jaryl for sending her such a bountiful array of fragrances on this trip, as well as a new set of drawings. Another truly inspired set of designs and only half of them were easy to implement. That didn't mean that she wouldn't throw attention at the problem until it ceased to be a problem.

That array of various fragrances however...That brought with it it's own problems, for there were not only people with allergies aboard the station but certain races reacted in interesting ways to certain scent profiles. If you were to infuse lavender around an Angosian you would send them into jitters, similar to that of a human on methamphetamines. It also had the effect of taking away their non-violent edicts within their head, and could be a lethal combination.

Could be quite the party if you infuse the Right scents the right way

A smirk followed that thought, as she remembered with a fondness some of the pranks she'd pulled as a cadet when she'd had access to a full perfumery shop and the lab that went with it. She could do a lot with general chemistry, after all she was a liscenced therapist, her skills lay further away from the true sciences than the majority of cadets who graduated Starfleet Academy. Snarky as she was with her thoughts, She did not want to drive away her customers. Nor did she wish to cause distress by overwhelming their noses with conflicting and often unpleasant scents mixing together. They would have to step into the area in which the aroma was allowed before they would be able to enjoy each specific scent.

It was interesting to find that she missed Jaryl when he was gone. They were unlikely friends, but friends they were. His good natured banter was something that she found comfort in. There was something 'safe' about his partnership with her. Jaryl would leave for days or weeks at a time, and send her back shipments of the latest trends all over the galaxy. This latest shipment had the markings of the planet Sigma Zagreus, and one she'd seen before with some of the more exotic things that Jaryl had managed to procure in his design tour. Briefly she wondered what he was designing that afforded him contact with such luxury.

Laughing at herself, she raked her hands through purple streaked hair and turned a slow circle. The lights were dim, but the spa was still open and taking customers. Her night crew was just as adept as her day crew and she catered to all, not just those who could relax during the day. The holosky high above them, sparkled with stars and a comet crept across in a gleam of silver and mist.

Who needs luxury anywhere else, when you have this? She'd built herself a paradise, and it was on par with any resort anywhere. She'd taken the best of the places she'd been and enjoyed, and combined them into an oasis of luxury at the very end of the galaxy and she decided that today she was going to partake in her creation to its fullest extent. The hot pools were calling her name.


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 10th Mar, 2023 @ 4:23am

I really like this look inside Alexia, and also her work. I had no idea what was available, or how she ran it. So interesting, thanks!