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Sun 9th Mar, 2025 @ 11:49am


Name Qaraq

Position Owner, Qaraq's Game Room

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Broot
Age 64

Physical Appearance

Height 6'8"
Weight 214 lbs
Hair Color no hair
Eye Color gold
Physical Description A very tall, wide man with scaly, dark indigo skin. He is very intimidating, with a square jaw and horns on the top of his head and under his chin.


Spouse Ertha (deceased)
Children Ten total. Four boys and six girls. He also has several grandchildren.
Father Goralch (deceased)
Mother Mavendelk (deceased)
Brother(s) Five brothers.
Sister(s) Three sisters.
Other Family many cousins, nephews, nieces, great-nephews and great-nieces.

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Some people believe his biggest strength is his only weakness. He can be very trusting of people. He's not any kind of fool, and those who take him as one will greatly regret it, especially if it involves making some kind of deal.
Ambitions What do all men with power want? More power. Qaraq believes the universe a faulty place, and believes he is there to make it better for everyone. He believes Starfleet and the Federation also subscribe to this point of view, which is why he wishes to develop relations with them.
Hobbies & Interests Qaraq is a lover of music. He likes to say his two favorite things are "a singsong and a scrap" (a song and a fight). Qaraq has a beautiful baritone singing voice and plays a lot of musical instruments. He is also a lover of literature and theater. He's always ready for a good story, and has quite a few of his own.

Personal History Qaraq is the youngest of nine. He grew up on the Broot homeworld but moved to Delavi after his grandfather bought one of its moons for a tidy sum and put Qaraq's father to work developing the place. Shortly after Qaraq was married to his childhood sweetheart Ertha, both of his parents passed away, and bequeathed their empire evenly to their children. Qaraq inherited their businesses in Delavi. He has since spent his life building upon that empire with much success, and is the wealthiest member in his family. He's also raised a large family and most of his children work for him. He does have one estranged son who he hasn't seen in many years, but hopes he can reconcile their differences at some point. This was also the dying wish of his wife Ertha, who passed only five years ago. Qaraq has not remarried.
Service Record None yet with Starfleet or the Federation.