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More Meet and Greet

Posted on Wed 13th Sep, 2023 @ 4:49am by Lieutenant Commander Lanis Dhuro MD & Lieutenant Commander Cadence Marshall & Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Makila i'Hartelhai

1,536 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine
Location: CMO's Office, Deck 83, Main Infirmary
Timeline: MD-3, 1430 hours

Previously, on Starbase 109:

"I'm sure the LCARS will have a record," Lanis said. He tapped his PADD and studied it as he scrolled through "Baby Doe" and the admission date. "Jadar Kharee, 18 months old. Went missing the day before admission." Lanis shook his head. "His parents must have been frantic. I'm glad that kid was found. Who are the doctors working Brown Sector?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure." Cade admitted. "I know there is a civilian doctor taking the lead," Cade tried to recall the name. "A Doctor Siediri or something." He was always bad at names. He felt terrible that he couldn't remember the name correctly. "I have a couple of volunteers that have been down there, but mostly it's been the civilian and his team. From what I'm told, it's a very small team. We're trying to get help down there now. I'm going to do an extra shift down there starting this week and I've got a couple of other doctors willing to do the same. I'm looking at cutting a few shifts here so that we can spare the volunteers even more.

"Oh! Dr. s'Siedhri," Lanis said. He smiled and spelled it for Cade. "I know him, but I usually only see him in Tivoli Gardens. He must be the one who started the clinic down there. You can't miss it--lovely stained glass window. I'm looking for home cooking when I go to Brown Sector, so I've never stopped by the clinic."

"Maybe we should look him up and invite him to this meeting." Cade offered. "Perhaps, he could help with the logistics of getting our teams down there and give us an idea of what he actually needs."

"That's an excellent idea," Lanis said. "He'll know what's needed better than anyone, and it would be good to build a working relationship with him from the start."

"Khellian s'Siedhri, MD. Romulan, full blooded. Minimal tele-empathic skills despite a recent Vulcan ancestor. 45 years old. Defected 20 years ago, with his newborn daughter. He passed the Starfleet medical boards 6 years later, once he'd been fully vetted by Starfleet. Zero complaints against him as a physician, despite several incidences of speciesism directed at him and his daughter. Each instance resulted in him relocating them both. He has two clinics, the Dawnstar in the Brown Sector and one in the Tivoli Gardens which finances the majority of his charity work."

"The man must be exhausted running two clinics by himself." Cade said. "His daughter?" Cade noted the distinct similarity between himself and s'Siedhri. It was just the two of them now as well. Although he hadn't adopted his daughter, he couldn't imagine a man not loving his own daughter the way Cade loved his. If nothing else, they had that common ground to work with. They were both single fathers... and dedicated physicians.

"Makila i'Hartelhai, daughter of Dr. s'Siedhri. Adopted. Romulan-Betazoid hybrid. Strong telepathic skills from her Betazoid father. 21 years old. On their arrival, she acted as his nurse, however she received her medical degree last year. Top honors with her degrees. She was in the residency program run by Dr. Addams. The departure of Dr. Addams has placed her status in question."

"Please do continue her residency," Lanis said. "I'm not sure what discipline Chlamydia had her working in, but as you can see, she's good."

"I can't imagine any reason NOT to continue it." Cade was brought back to the conversation. "Let's invite them both to this meeting and see what they need that we might be able to offer." Cade looked at his chronometer. He knew he had to get back to his daughter before too long. He'd already been gone longer than he'd expected. "Perhaps we can make plans to do this at another time?" he asked. "A day when your doctors will be available and I can make arrangements for my daughter?"

"That sounds fine to me," Lanis said. "I think you'll like working with them."

MD-5 1015 hours

"Papa, we are going to be late." Makila called again to her father, and the tone in her voice indicated that she'd called more than once. She wore a comm badge on the sash of her sciences blue tunic, it crossed her chest and wrapped twice around her waist in the white and blue indicating her medical residency. That sash also held a caduceus picked out in delicate gold stitching, her Dawnstar patch and the Tivoli clinic's logo patch.

Khellian growled in Rihannsu and then clasped her cheeks in his hands in a tender gesture before kissing her forehead. "There are some things even I must complete before meeting the chief physicians upon the station, my girl. I appreciate your perfect sense of timekeeping, but, I beg that you save the nagging for that gentleman you've been seeing."

Makila was struck dumb by that observation, her cheeks flaming to a brilliant scarlet. She covered her brilliant cheeks with her fingertips, amazed at the heat that simple phrase had garnered in her.

"Come my girl, let us away."

It was a brisk walk to the main offices of the massive sickbay complex, and as soon as the pair came in the proximity of the offices their presences were announced so they could be directed to the proper place.

The chime sounded in Marshall's office, and Lanis glanced at the office door. "I guess that's them,"

Makila took point as she knew where the office in question was, and led her father with a hint of deference in her posture to the door that would lead them to the others. Pressing a finger to the chime, she waited, relaxed and at ease.

Cade smiled. "Let's invite them in. Shall we?" He stood and straightened his lab coat before pressing any wrinkles out with his hands.

Lanis went to the door, and it opened, sensing his movement toward it. He smiled at the pair on the other side of the threshold. "Khellian, Makila, come on in." He stepped aside so they could enter and gestured them toward seats.

Makila bowed ever so slightly to Lanis. "Good morning Dr. Dhuro" she greeted him politely, giving his name to her father in case he didn't know the man. She wasn't sure if he was as familiar with the Starfleet Staff Doctors as she was.

"Good morning," Lanis replied, inclining his head slightly to Makila. Once the Romulan physicians had entered Marshall's office, Lanis gestured to him. "Dr. i'Hartelhai, Dr. s'Siedhri, allow me to introduce Dr. Cadence Marshall, the new Chief Medical Officer of Starbase 109. Dr. Marshall, this is Dr. Khellian s'Siedhri of the Tivoli Gardens and Dawnstar clinics and his daughter, Dr. Makila i'Hartelhai. Dr. i'Hartelhai is currently a member of our residency program."

"Very good to meet you both." he offered his hand to Khellian and then to the man's daughter. "Thank you for agreeing to come and meet with us. I know how busy you must be." He offered them both chairs. "Dr. i'Hatelhai, I've read your files and I'm happy to have you in our residency program. I'm sure it won't be long before you have graduated from Resident status. Frankly, it seems more like a formality. You've already proven yourself to be quite skilled, from what I've read." He smiled.

Makila blushed charmingly and replied "Thank you sir. I admit I was concerned for my status when I saw that Dr. Addams had departed so quickly and without notice."

Khellian had settled into the chair after shaking the hands of the other doctors. He was proud of his girl, and it showed in the twinkle in his eyes as he seemed more at ease in this meeting than he had been a moment ago.

"We were all surprised," Lanis said. "Usually, transfer orders give you a little time to prepare, but Starfleet is what it is."

"It must have been quite the opportunity." Makila observed as she settled into a seat as well, next to her father. Her eyes flickered between the two Starfleet doctors, and she wondered briefly what it would be like to actually be a part of Starfleet. Would it be more than just operating on a Starfleet station in an ancillary capacity, shoving that thought aside for contemplation later.

"I think the transfer gave Dr. Addams a chance to investigate something she had long wanted to investigate," Lanis said. "What that was, I never could learn. In any case, we're starting anew, now."

"I am curious as to what you mean by that" Khellian murmerred in his quiet way, his dark green eyes raising to Lanis' own. He was wary, but his intelligence gave him the ability to first access all the information available to him.

"Only that Dr. Addams very much put her own stamp on how the starbase infirmaries were run," Lanis said. "She was the best physician I've ever worked for, but her ways were unique to her."

"She always struck me as slightly otherworldly." Khellian observed making a peculiar gesture with his left hand. "I am in no way surprised by her unique mannerisms. Though, currently I am more interested in how you will run things moving forward."

(To be continued...)


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