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Thu 6th Mar, 2025 @ 12:22am

Khellian s'Siedhri

Name Khellian s'Siedhri MD

Position Doctor

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Romulan
Age 45

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 150
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Green
Physical Description Tall, thin and graceful, the man moves without a movement wasted. He inherited his grandmothers green eyes, and a more subtle brow ridge than the average Romulan but sharply pointed ears that are impossible to ignore. Wearing his hair long is a human affectation that he'd found quite appealing- and he wears it in short tail that touches his shoulders. He is most often found smiling.


Spouse None
Children Makila i'Hartelhai
Father Teleb s'Siedhri
Mother Isena s'Siedhri
Sister(s) Mijne s'Siedhri

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses +Professional
+Witty and intelligent
+Fierce protector

-Slightly Paranoid
Ambitions To keep his family safe, and help people to understand that not all Romulans are bad.
Hobbies & Interests +Herbs
+Stained Glass
+Plays the Kithara
+Knifefighting (Just learning)

Personal History Khellian was born in a small town by the Balsanra River, with the same name. He was a quiet, studious child that never caught the eye of anyone but his teachers for his intelligence. His parents didn't have much money even though they were of a fairly strong clan. The sponsorship of the clanmother allowed him to go to medical school on Ki Bataran. He excelled in school and studying near constantly got him through school in record time.

He settled in a village near the Hartelhai river, after he passed his exams. As a young man his study of medicine and herbal healing that made him a popular man among the young ladies, though he'd never settled down with any of the ladies that had tried to catch his eye.

He was making a routine set of housecalls in his village- small by romulan standards but thriving, when the Doctor heard pained screams coming from the Noble House. Naturally he went to investigate and many hours later delivered a clearly halfblooded baby girl. The exhausted mother passed out, and the good doctor happened to over hear that the girl's life was going to be one endless stream of torment at the hands of her 'father', due to being born without 100% romulan blood. The Mother never admitted who she'd had an affair with, or how she'd managed to find a Betazoid to sleep with. When he heard the 'father' refer to the baby as a disgrace to Romulus, he knew that something had to be done. He stole the child away from it's 'loving' parents and ran. His clan name had gotten him deep into the countryside where he managed to evade pursuit for 6 months before he was able to secure transport off of Romulus. The Reunificationists assisted in smuggling the young doctor and his new daughter off the planet, where he applied for assylum under the United Federation of Planets. It was difficult for him to acclimate to a world where the control of everything was not the Tal'Shiar, but he did his best to adapt. Sometimes he still wakes in a cold sweat thinking that they will come after him once more.

It took him 2 years to get his asylum fully taken care of, and moved from safe house to safe house. The federation is understandably wary about a Romulan that defected from the homeworld. 6 years later he finished a study of Federation species and taking the boards for Starfleet Medical .