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Sat 8th Mar, 2025 @ 5:20pm

Lieutenant Commander Lanis Dhuro

Name Lanis Dhuro MD

Position Chief of Surgery

Second Position Chief of Surgery

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bajoran
Age 63

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 160 lbs.
Hair Color Gray
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Lanis is a tallish, thin Bajoran male in his early sixties. He has a medium skin tone. His gray hair is swept back from his forehead. Lanis's facial musculature gives him the appearance of a permanent squint, but his vision is within normal limits. He has old shrapnel scars all over his body. He moves like someone who has been in military service all of his life, with excellent posture and economy of movement. He spends much of his time dressed in either a duty uniform or scrubs. When out of uniform, his clothing tends to be comfortable and fits him well.


Spouse Fana Irel (deceased)
Children Dhuro Irlan (daughter)
Dhuro Rellan (son)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Aside from his children, who live in Rakantha Province on Bajor, Lanis' family is either scattered or dead. He remembers having an aunt or two, but he has no idea where they live now, and he was young enough to have not known their surnames when the Cardassian Occupation began.

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
* Intelligent
* Pragmatic
* Low maintenance
* Self-sufficient
* Decisive
* Honest
* Was an explosives specialist in the Bajoran Resistance.
* Fluent in Bajoran, Cardassian, and Federation Standard and can make himself understood in Vulcan.

* Has to be armed somehow, some way. Always carries a concealed weapon of some sort.
* Underestimates and undervalues his degree of education because he works with his hands and is not a theoretician.
* Is elderly now and is not as swift or as agile as he used to be. Must work harder to keep in shape.
* Wears hearing aids in both ears and would be moderately deaf without them. (Been around too many explosions.)
* Admires some aspects of Cardassian arts and sciences, as this was really the only education he got during his formative years. It did not make him popular with children his own age, and he quickly learned to hide his interest from them.
Ambitions Lanis is happy working as a trauma surgeon and wants to remain in that profession for as long as he can. He knows that his remaining time as a practicing surgeon is growing short, however, even with Starfleet and Federation medical advances to stave off the inevitable effects of aging. He plans to continue writing journal articles and might go into teaching once he retires from surgery. He also wants to spend some time on Bajor and delve more deeply into his religion.
Hobbies & Interests * Bajoran religious philosophy.
* Brewing and drinking tea as a kind of meditation.
* Knife-throwing.
* Embroidery.
* Playing kotra.
* Experiencing Cardassian culture.
* Reading medical journals.
* Seeing new sights.

Personal History Lanis was born five years before the Cardassians occupied Bajor, to parents formerly belonging to the Healers’ d’jarra or caste. His parents fled the family’s home in Rakantha Province but were soon captured and put to work in a Cardassian forced-labor camp processing the ore that the Cardassians had come to strip-mine.

During Lanis’ tenth year, his parents were killed in a mass execution, and Lanis had to make his own way in the camp, processing ore. His father had begun teaching him very basic healing techniques as soon as the Occupation began, so Lanis knew about keeping wounds clean, basic first aid, and very basic diagnosis. He could find the sorts of plants that were useful for staving off vitamin deficiencies, could make teas and poultices, and apply dressings. The older he got, the more he learned and practiced any time he came across another camp inmate who had worked in medicine before the Occupation. After working days in the mine plants, he would spend part of his evenings assisting more experienced healers in caring for sick or injured Bajorans, when any were available.

Then, when Lanis was 12, a Bajoran laborer became so ill one day in the processing plant that the Cardassian foreman sent in one of their own physicians to treat him. This physician, Amon Morketh, discovered evidence of recently treated wounds that had not been seen to by the official Cardassian medics. He scoured the camp, looking for the Bajoran physician, and was startled to discover a scrawny boy caught in the act of suturing someone’s arm. Adult Bajoran healers tried to intervene, but Morketh had not seen them practicing medicine and had seen Lanis. Instead of hauling Lanis off to be executed for being too valuable a resource to the Bajorans, Morketh instead took the boy on as his servant.

When, a few months later, Morketh saw that Lanis had puzzled out how to read some Cardassian words, he considered the problem for several days and then decided that it was a senseless waste to allow a child as intelligent as Lanis to remain ignorant. He began teaching him to read his language in earnest—not just the basic things a slave would need to know, but literature and medicine, as well. From this and from conversing with Morketh, Lanis picked up more and more of spoken Cardassian, too. But he had to be very careful never to speak it when in the presence of any Cardassian but Morketh.

Lanis served Amon Morketh for four years, until the labor camp was destroyed in a series of explosions. Lanis was able to warn Morketh just as the attack started, but they couldn't get the patients out, which made Lanis furious with his own people. Hours later, the Bajoran prisoners left the smoldering ruins of the Cardassian mining camp and joined the Resistance.

Lanis was not impressed with the Resistance at first, but he was ultimately loyal to his own people and did not want to be regarded as a collaborator. To the Resistance leaders, Lanis was a valuable asset. They at first set him to working and studying with their own healers and to reading and listening to confiscated Cardassian military documents and audio files. Then they taught him to make explosives, which he turned out to be reasonably skilled at, in addition to the regular combat skills that all Resistance fighters were required to learn.

At age 20, Lanis married Fana Irel. They had two children together, a daughter, Irlan, and a son, Rellan. Irel died in a firefight in their tenth year of marriage, after which Lanis raised his children alone but with the assistance of their group’s communal ‘aunts,’ who acted as mothers to any child present. From the time his children reached adulthood until the end of the Occupation, Lanis worked increasingly as a Resistance fighter rather than as a healer, in the end being one who planned and coordinated raids on Cardassian outposts.
Service Record 2369: Lanis enters Starfleet Academy as part of a special program to recruit older Bajorans.
2373: Graduates as Ensign with a BS in Biology. Is accepted into Starfleet Medical School.
2375: Is transferred to Starbase 109 (Vanguard) for his clinical rotation in emergency surgery.
2377: Graduates as LT(jg) with an MD from Starfleet Medical. Begins surgical internship on USS Sentinel.
2378: Transferred to USS Vigilance for first three years of residency in trauma surgery.
2381: Transferred to USS Charleston for second three years of surgical residency.
2383: Promoted to Lieutenant. Serves as chief surgical resident onboard the Charleston.
2384: Transferred to USS Courageous as a trauma surgeon.
2388: Transferred to Hromi Cluster Research Institute at Langley Station to do clinical research in using a combination of transporter and replicator technology in joint restoration.
2390: Transferred to Starbase 109 as a trauma surgeon. Accepts position as Chief of Surgery.
2393: Promoted to Lt. Commander.