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C6 / Khellian

Posted on Thu 7th Feb, 2019 @ 8:30pm by Khellian s'Siedhri MD
Edited on on Fri 8th Feb, 2019 @ 12:45am

492 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair

It was… a Torii gate, perhaps, or a megalithic trilithon rendered in jacinth. A clear and obvious demarcation at the top of a ridge, seperating one realm from another. Dawn Addams paused. “Do not release each others’ hands,” she reminded her companions. With a look of determination, she took the last few steps to the ridge, and passed through the gate.

The Echos had been designed to be the perfect spies and assassins. In embodied life, they had simply known what those around them knew; understood their needs and desires and purposes. In the moment when the Witch, her matrilineal descendants, and their friends stepped into the valley they had closed, the Echos turned their attention their way. In that moment, they knew who had arrived, and why. They considered the Witch’s purpose, understood her points, reluctantly agreed.

There was a flash of light, and time was rearranged, reality was changed.

It was a uniform; a tartan skirt in mostly navy blue; a white linen blouse, a blazer with a patch from Saint Joan's school for girls. Somehow, though, on this particular little girl, it gave the impression of being black, all black, without detail. She wore her black randoseru over both shoulders, the very picture of first-grade gothic. She stopped in the street, looking at the front of the store which had become a doctors' office, watching an older gentleman hanging something in the window.

The light hit the sun in glory and its firey reds and yellows, and the faceted crystal at the center threw rainbows out onto the path before their eyes. Clear and blue panels came together to make a pattern of clouds and light.

"That's lovely," the girl said quietly. "The colors are quite vibrant."

Khellian, hearing the girls compliment turned and beamed at her "Why thank you my dear."

"Is that intended to be 128 Trianguli? Are you from Ch'Rihan or Ch'Havran?"

"I was born on Ch'Rihan little one, in a town called Balsanra. " he explained. "When Eisn my home, it created all these colors." He gestured towards the panel. "It feels like home sometimes."

The girl nodded slowly. "My Aunts like to say that we are the 'New York Addamses,' but I've only spent a few days there. I feel like we should be the 'Starbase 109 Addamses,' since all three of the Aunts are here, and me, too. But I don't think they really feel like this is home."

" Maybe they do not. Sometimes it is difficult for Starfleet officers who move around a great deal to find something that makes them feel at home. For myself that is true as well, I have not been back to my home World in many years, and now that is impossible. We must create our own sense of home." There was a flicker of nostalgia in his eyes before he looked back and smiled at the little girl.


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 8th Feb, 2019 @ 12:47am

Ah, that's just a lovely post from both of you, and so much truth in a small exchange.