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C6 / Baro

Posted on Wed 6th Feb, 2019 @ 10:49pm by Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro

613 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Chocobo stables
Timeline: Last Year

It was… a Torii gate, perhaps, or a megalithic trilithon rendered in jacinth. A clear and obvious demarcation at the top of a ridge, seperating one realm from another. Dawn Addams paused. “Do not release each others’ hands,” she reminded her companions. With a look of determination, she took the last few steps to the ridge, and passed through the gate.

The Echos had been designed to be the perfect spies and assassins. In embodied life, they had simply known what those around them knew; understood their needs and desires and purposes. In the moment when the Witch, her matrilineal descendants, and their friends stepped into the valley they had closed, the Echos turned their attention their way. In that moment, they knew who had arrived, and why. They considered the Witch’s purpose, understood her points, reluctantly agreed.

There was a flash of light, and time was rearranged, reality was changed.

As Mr. Oto led the operations officer toward the red barn, a group of relatively small birds, with small children on their backs came out into the meadow. A group of adults trailed along behind, including the station's chief medical officer, watching the children somewhat anxiously.

Baro followed enjoying the pleasant walk as she looked for a new home. She saw the CMO in the distance with her daughter, with other children looking at the meadow. She smiled, "I'm glad they could get out together, I know its been a busy time." She observed to Mr. Oto mildly.

Oto smiled, not knowing who the Ops offer was talking about. Doctor Addams looked up from the meadow, saw the pair walking down the low hill, and waved.

Alora waved back with a smile, when she got closer, "Experiments safe enough on their own for now then?" She said with a smile toward her then the children playing before returning her attention to the CMO.

"Bill and Billie assure me that these are the safest jennets of their stables, the most even-tempered birds." Chlamydia watched as the children reached the end of the coral and turned... most of them were not in control of the birds, but the birds were flock animals, and followed the familiar path together, anyway. "I promised to eat them if Six got hurt."

Alora, used to Chlamydia by now, wisely did not ask if she meant the birds or the instructors. Some things were best left unspoken. "I expect that's true, my retail guide here..." She gestured to the patience Bajoran standing nearby with a vaguely apologetic glance, "Tells me these are Chocobos and it is rather common to ride them." She smiled at Six's enjoyment of the ride, even if she couldn't control it properly, "This will be an experience she'll treasure for sure."

She paused remembering something, "Oh almost forgot, I finished modifying that space suit for her. I sent the schematics to your panel for review, if you have no changes I'll send it over. Completely child friendly. If she'd like to walk outside that is." Six had become a sort of unofficial niece to Baro, who was fond of the 'keep you on your feet' intelligent child. "If that's too much I can get time with the zero-g trainers." Kids always loved those.

Chlamydia shuddered at the idea of letting her child out, beyond the solid, safe, air-tight bulkheads of the station. She remembered the Holographic personalities' insurrection at Starbase 50. She had seen too many flash-frozen corpses of Starfleet personnel exposed to the empty vacuum; knew too intimately what the effects of such exposure were. "Let's start with baby steps," the Doctor suggested. "The trainers will be more than sufficient."


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 8th Feb, 2019 @ 12:45am

Oh, my gosh, I DID laugh out loud when I read the comment about whether Addams meant she would eat the Chocobos or the instructors! That is so perfect with the good doctor!