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Hidden Beauty

Posted on Sat 17th Sep, 2016 @ 12:19am by Commander Zachary Hunt

253 words; about a 1 minute read

It's my first night here, and honestly I know I expected a dump but I've found it to be more beautiful actually seeing it. Starbases are a thing of beauty. Obviously there are more things I find more beautiful; but in this instance and in this moment, the size and complexity of Vanguard blows my mind. I mean literally! 2500 decks of pure beauty! It's a monster! Beauty and the Beast I should say! I don't think Villeneuve ever expected that to be said about Vanguard! Talking of Villeneuve, my books have finally caught up to my quarters! I'm just not sure where to start first. Maybe a classic? Maybe a modern tale? I think I will make that decision after a good night's sleep!

Tomorrow, I hope to settle in and meet some of the crew. Maybe if I get a free minute maybe even visit the main promenade. Although I doubt I will get a free minute, Drake will probably expect everyone to work like dogs. I hear he was angry about being put on Vanguard, but hey I suppose that's one of the reasons why I'm here! I would like to get to know him better and hopefully stay in his good books! There's a couple of other people I would n't mind getting know, one being the Chief Science Officer - Lieutenant Jasmine Collins. I find it considerably hard to stay away from any Science for too long. I love it! But we shall see what tomorrow brings!

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